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April Open Houses to Gather Community Input on Land Use Planning

Archived News Release: April 12, 2024 - ​Community members are invited to learn about and share input for future land use and planning initiatives throughout the city of Ann Arbor, with a focus on neighborhoods. Public workshops will take place at multiple times and locations to provide information and seek perspectives about the Ann Arbor Comprehensive Plan ( — updating future city land uses for the next more-than 25 years to advance affordability, sustainability and equity. All are welcome to attend.

Comprehensive Plan Neighborh​ood Open Houses

Tuesda​​y, April 23, 4–7 p.m.

Ann Arbor District Library: Traverwood Branch, 3333 Traverwood Drive.

Wednesday, Ap​​​ril 24, 4–7 p.m.

Ann Arbor District Library: Westgate Branch, 2503 Jackson Ave.

Friday, April 26, 4​–7 p.m.

Ann Arbor District Library: Malletts Creek Branch, 3090 E. Eisenhower Pkwy.

The planning processes will take place throughout 2024. Community members may sign up for updates, as available, at, and visit the project website for ongoing information and resources, at ​

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Media Contact Information

Brett Lenart
Planning Manager, AICP
734.794.6000 ext. 42606
[email protected]

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