Please note: By law, court personnel are barred from giving legal advice.
The 15th Judicial District Court Traffic/Criminal Division is responsible for processing and maintaining the records for all traffic and criminal misdemeanors, civil infractions, ordinance violations, and University of Michigan Regents violations that are alleged to have occurred within the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan.
E-mail is not permitted for filing documents in Michigan courts. Documents can be filed in-person, via mail or fax.
Civil Infractions
Civil infractions are minor violations of the law that are punishable only by a fine, for example a traffic ticket or a moving violation.
You have three options if you are alleged to have committed a civil infraction. No matter which option you choose, your choice must take place within 15 days of the issuance of the civil infraction.
Notice Regarding Points
Judges and magistrates cannot assign or remove points from an individual's driving record. The court is required to report all traffic convictions to the Secretary of State (SOS). The Secretary of State is required by law to assess any applicable points to an individual's driving record. Any questions or concerns regarding points and/or your driving record should be directed to the Secretary of State.
Fines, costs and other court fees can be paid by cash, personal check (no starter checks), certified check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Mcard or Discover.
Admit responsibility by mail, in person, by representation, or online.
By mail:
Contact the court to obtain the amount of your fine and costs
sign your citation in the admit responsibility section
mail your citation along with a certified check or money order to the court on or before the date specified on the front of the citation.
In person or by representation
Sign your citation in the admit responsibility section
you or your representative must bring the citation to the court on or before the date specified on the front of the citation. Any fines, costs, or other financial obligations imposed by the court are due upon assessment.
Most civil infractions can be paid online.
To do so go to and click Next.
For the drop down boxes, choose Washtenaw County and Ann Arbor 15th District Court.
Search by ticket number, driver's license number, name, or license plate number.
Follow the directions on the link to complete the payment process. If your violation is not listed or you have any questions call the Traffic/Criminal Division at 734.794.6750, option 2, before proceeding.
Admit responsibility with an explanation in person, by representation, by fax, or by mail.
In person or by representation - Contact the court on or before the date specified on the front of the citation to obtain a time to appear in court to give your explanation. Any fines, costs, or other financial obligations imposed by the court are due upon assessment.
By mail or by fax:
Sign your citation in the admit responsibility with an explanation section
write your explanation on a separate sheet of paper
mail or fax your citation and explanation to the court on or before the date specified on the front of your citation.
The court will mail you its determination, and if applicable order any fine and costs to be paid by you.
Deny responsibility - To deny responsibility you must either:
Schedule an Informal Hearing to appear in person in court before the magistrate; neither side may have an attorney, OR
Schedule a Formal Hearing to appear in person in court before a judge. An attorney will appear with the officer. You may be represented by an attorney.
If you are found responsible at an Informal or Formal Hearing, any fines, costs, or other financial obligations are due upon assessment.
Failure to Respond or Pay in a Timely Manner
Failure to respond within 15 days after you receive a ticket will result in default judgment being entered and a $30 default fee being assessed.
Failure to pay fines, costs or fees within 45 days of the due date will result in the Court notifying the Secretary of State to take action against your driving privileges, and a $45 license clearance fee will be assessed.
Failure to pay fines, costs or fees within 56 days of your appearance date or due date will result in a 20% late penalty fee being assessed.
Civil Infraction Fee Schedule
Amount |
SOS Points |
1-5 MPH over |
$130 |
1 |
6-10 MPH over |
$140 |
2 |
11-15 MPH over |
$150 |
3 |
16-20 MPH over |
$170 |
4 |
21-25 MPH over |
$190 |
4 |
26-30 MPH over |
$230 |
4 |
31 or more MPH over |
$240 |
4 |
Fail to Drive Minimum Speed |
$130 |
2 |
Violation of Basic Speed Law |
$130 |
2 |
Amount |
SOS Points |
1-5 MPH over |
$170 |
3 |
6-10 MPH over |
$190 |
3 |
11-15 MPH over |
$210 |
4 |
16-20 MPH over |
$240 |
5 |
21-25 MPH over |
$270 |
5 |
26-30 MPH over |
$320 |
5 |
31 or more MPH over |
$340 |
5 |
Amount |
SOS Points |
Right of Way |
$140 |
2 |
To Handicapped/Blind |
$140 |
2 |
To Pedestrian -10:1a/257.612 |
$140 |
2 |
To Pedestrian-10:148a City crosswalk violation |
$140 |
0 |
Amount |
SOS Points |
Disobey Railroad Crossing Signal |
$140 |
3 |
Disobey Stop Sign |
$140 |
3 |
Disobey Traffic Control Device |
$140 |
2 |
Disobey Traffic Control Device in Construction Zone |
$200 |
2 |
Disobey Traffic Signal |
$140 |
3 |
For School Bus |
$290 |
3 |
In Assured Clear Distance Ahead |
$130 |
2 |
Leaving Alley/Private Drive |
$140 |
2 |
Railroad Crossing |
$140 |
3 |
Railroad Train/Flagman - Gate Violation |
$140 |
3 |
Red or Amber Light |
$140 |
3 |
Amount |
SOS Points |
Drove Left of Center |
$140 |
2 |
Improper Lane Use |
$140 |
2 |
Improper Passing |
$140 |
3 |
Amount |
SOS Points |
Failed to Signal/Observe |
$140 |
2 |
Improper Turn |
$140 |
2 |
Prohibited Turn |
$140 |
2 |
Turn Right on Red |
$140 |
2 |
Amount |
SOS Points |
Bicycle Violations |
$120 |
0 |
Careless Driving |
$165 |
3 |
Coasting |
$140 |
0 |
Drove Without Due Care and Caution |
$130 |
2 |
Drove Wrong Way on One-Way Street |
$140 |
2 |
Equipment Violation - Not Waivable - Non Commercial Vehicle |
$130 |
0 |
Expired Plate |
$135 |
0 |
Failed to Change Address-Registration |
$110 |
0 |
Followed Too Closely |
$140 |
2 |
Helmet Violations |
$190 |
0 |
Illegal Entrance/Exit on Expressway |
$140 |
2 |
Impede, Obstruct or Blocking Traffic |
$150 |
0 |
Improper Backing |
$140 |
0 |
Improper Crossing - Divided Hwy |
$140 |
2 |
Improper Display of Plate |
$130 |
0 |
Improper Load or Towing or Projecting |
$160 |
2 |
Improper Operation-Emergency Vehicle/School Bus |
$140 |
2 |
Improper Use Lights (drove at night w/o lights or fail to dim) |
$140 |
2 |
Interfere with Traffic |
$140 |
2 |
Motorcycle/Moped Over 2 Abreast |
$140 |
2 |
No Proof of Insurance - can provide proof of insurance for violation date |
Submit proof of insurance and $25 w/in 15 days |
0 |
No Proof of Insurance - cannot provide proof of insurance for violation date |
$165 |
0 |
No Proof/Unsigned Registration - can provide proof of registration or signed registration for violation date |
Submit proof within 15 days and fees will be waived |
0 |
No Proof/Unsigned Registration - cannot provide proof of registration or signed registration for violation date |
$130 |
0 |
Obstructed Vision or Control |
$140 |
2 |
Refuse PBT |
$165 |
0 |
Safety Belt |
$65 |
0 |
Skateboard Violations |
$110 |
0 |
Unattended Motor Vehicle |
$110 |
0 |
Unlawful Rider Motorcycle/Moped |
$140 |
0 |
Violation of Child Restraint Law |
$130 |
0 |
Misdemeanor offenses are violations of state law or local ordinances punishable by up to one year in jail.
If you have received a misdemeanor ticket, you will be required to appear in court. If you do not receive a Notice to Appear at the court for arraignment within 10 days of receiving your misdemeanor ticket, contact the Traffic/Criminal Division at 734.794.6753, option 0. At arraignment, you will be advised of your rights and asked to enter a plea of not guilty, guilty, no contest, or standing mute. If you plead not guilty or standing mute, your case will be set for a pretrial hearing and a bond will be set. If you enter a no contest or guilty plea, you may be sentenced immediately or ordered to meet with a probation agent for a pre-sentence interview. Any fines, costs and other financial obligations imposed by the court are due at the time of assessment. Failure to appear in court will result in a warrant being issued for your arrest and a $60 warrant fee will be assessed.
Misdemeanor Advice of Rights and Plea Information Form (DC 213)
Pursuant to Michigan Law (MCL 769.1k (7)), Michigan Courts must provide information about any fine, cost, or assessment that may be imposed at sentencing. For more information please refer to: Information about any Fine, Cost or Assessment Imposed
Bench Warrants/Warrant Recalls
A warrant can be issued for your arrest for the following reasons:
- Failure to appear for a scheduled court date.
- Failure to pay a misdemeanor ticket.
- Failure to comply with a court order to pay fines and costs.
To have your warrant cancelled you must:
- Contact the court at 734.794.6750, option 0,to schedule a time to turn yourself in on the warrant, post a cash bond and schedule an arraignment.
Michigan law requires that fines and court costs imposed by the Court be paid in full when assessed.
The 15th Judicial District Court has a duty to the citizens of the City of Ann Arbor and to the State of Michigan to collect all unpaid fines, costs, and fees.
Pursuant to Michigan Law (MCL 769.1k(7)), Michigan Courts must provide information about any fine, cost or assessment that may be imposed at sentencing. For more information please refer to:
Information about any Fine, Cost or Assessment Imposed
Payment Options
In Person: Payments by cash, personal check, certified check, money order, Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover accepted. All checks must be payable to the "15th District Court" in U.S. funds. Include your case or ticket number, daytime phone number and driver's license number on your check or money order.
By Mail: Payments by personal check, certified check, or money order should be sent to the Court. All checks must be payable to the "15th District Court" in U.S. funds. Include your case or ticket number, daytime phone number and driver's license number on your check or money order. DO NOT MAIL CASH!
Credit Card by Fax or Mail: Complete the fax payment form located in the Forms section of this website. Fax the completed form to 734.794.6753 or return it by mail to the Court.
Online Payment: Please view our Online Ticket Payment page for more information on how to pay online.
Notice Regarding Check Payments: All checks are approved for acceptance and cleared electronically by Telecheck check verification service upon presentation to the Court.
Failure to appear for a review hearing to discuss payment of outstanding obligations may result in:
- Overdue Noticing (MCL 257.321a, 257.748)
- FAC/FCJ Suspension (MCL 257.321a)
- Show Cause Hearing (MCL 257.908)
- Bench Warrant Issued (MCL 600.8729)
- Probation Revocation (MCL 771.3, MCR 6.445)
- Garnishment of Wages (MCL 600.4011)
- Civil Contempt of Court (MCL 600.1701, MCR 6.106)
- Income Withholding, Wage Assignment (MCL 771.3)
- Referral to Prosecutor (MCL 600.8733, MCR 3.605)
Actions taken against you by the Court can adversely affect your driving privileges, credit score, professional licensure, graduate school admission, foreign travel, and any other activity that requires a background check.
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday
8:30 a.m –4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 734.794.6750, option 2
Fax: 734.794.6753
(Except Holidays)