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Online Payments

Cases eligible for Michigan Courts ePAY

  1. Civil Infractions in full payment of the balance due.  You may wish to view the Civil Infraction Fee Schedule, located on our Traffic/Criminal Division page, prior to paying online.

  2. Misdemeanors in either partial or full payments if:
    1. ​The misdemeanor is disposed and the defendant has been sentenced.
    2. ​The misdemeanor does not have a status of:
      1. ​​Closed.​​
      2. Non-Public, which includes:
        1. MIP First Offender Deferral;
        2. Holmes Youthful Trainee Act Deferral;
        3. 333.7411 Drug Offense Deferral; and,
        4. d) 769.4a Domestic  Violence Deferral.
      3. Warrant.  See the Traffic/Criminal page for information on clearing a warrant.

To pay your Civil Infraction (traffic or moving violation) or Misdemeanor(after sentencing) assessments online, click on the link below. It will take you to the Michigan Courts One Court of Justice ePay Welcome page.

Online Payments 

Michigan Court ePay

If the payment link does not work for you, or if you prefer to go to the site directly, enter into your browser. It should direct you to the online payment Welcome page.

NOTICE: Online payments are processed by a third party vendor, and as such the court has no control over the transaction. Sometimes with internet payments your bank statement may look like you've been charged twice for a transaction. The first charge is often a "pre-authorization" that reserves the funds so that the merchant can collect the money when the order is processed. It was placed (likely by your bank) the instant you submitted your payment. This "charge" will drop off your statement in a few days. This "double-charge" doesn't happen all the time, nor does it happen consistently. We have no way of predicting how your bank will handle an internet transaction. If you see what appears to be a double charge, please check with your bank before contacting the court for assistance.

For Cases in Suspension Status

Once paid in full, a clearance form will be mailed to the named defendant's last known address.  The address used will be the most recent address listed in the Court file.     

If your violation is not listed or you have any questions call the Traffic/Criminal Division at 734.794.6750, option zero, before proceeding. 

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