Welcome! Are you looking for ways to participate in city programs and decision-making? Use these links to find resources and opportunities to help you connect with fellow community members and city decision-makers.
Get Involved

Ann Arbor Community Academy: Annual program providing a broader view of city government functions and services.
Apply to serve on a Board or Commission: Help shape important policy for the community as a whole.
Events and Meetings Calendar: City meetings, programs and volunteer opportunities.
GIVE 365: Engage with the community and help out in the Ann Arbor park system.
Natural Area Preservation (NAP): Protect and restore biodiversity and ecosystems in city parks and natural areas with hikes, volunteer projects and education.
Police Department Community Engagement: Volunteer, participate in a program or attend an event such as presentations, tours, ride-alongs, community meetings, Safety Town, community academy and more.
Public Notices of Non-regularly Scheduled or Electronic Meetings
Sustainability Initiatives: Help enhance sustainability, resilience and carbon neutrality in our community.
Stay Informed

City Meetings: Find agendas, minutes and meeting recordings for City Council and Boards/Commissions.
Email notifications: Subscribe to stay informed on topics of interest.
Meetings and Events Calendar: City engagement programs and project meetings.
City road and utility projects: Find all the current projects the city is engaged on when it comes to road resurfacing/reconstruction as well as water and storm utilities.
Provide Input

A2 Open City Hall: Provide feedback on select city initiatives through online surveys.
Boards and Commissions: Follow along with discussions and provide public commentary.
City Council: Provide public commentary to your elected officials during a City Council meeting.
City Planning Commission: Public hearing and community participation related to land use planning decisions.
Meetings and Events Calendar: Find public meeting dates and access details.
Public Notices of Non-regularly Scheduled or Electronic Meetings.
Washtenaw Legal News: Find public hearings.
Take Action

A2 Fix It: Report a problem.
Request information or records through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Vote in local elections to select your decision-makers
Other Information
Specifically for public meeting accommodations: For information regarding language services and available accommodations, please contact the city clerk's office: cityclerk@a2gov.org | Phone: 734.794.6140.
Visit the city contact page for more contact information.