Archived News Release: February 28, 2024 - In 1824, an idyllic picturesque creek provided habitat and resources for not only the Potawatomie Indian tribe, but the first settlers of what was to become the City of Ann Arbor. That same creek still flows today, 200 years later, underneath much of downtown Ann Arbor, and parts of the Old West side neighborhood. Allen Creek, a tributary of the Huron River, is now almost entirely underground in concrete pipes.
The main branch of Allen Creek runs north, parallel to the Ann Arbor Railroad tracks, starting at Pioneer High School and spilling into the Huron River just south of Argo Dam. Three tributaries flow east into it from the Old West Side. Eber White starts on Lutz, crosses Seventh Street, and flows into the primary stream at William; Murray-Washington rises at Virginia Park, crosses Slauson Middle School playground, and joins the creek near West Park; and West Park-Miller drains the area between MilIer and Huron.
This summer, the Ann Arbor community will be able to visualize and celebrate the “Ghost Creek” that is Allen Creek, just beneath our feet. Keep an eye out for sidewalk signs, and blue flags in the landscape that will signify where the historic Allen Creek still flows under our paved roads and sidewalks. This installation will be available late spring, through the fall. Take a walk and try to envision what the landscape of Ann Arbor looked like 200 years ago, with this beautiful creek flowing through the new settlement of Ann Arbor.
Ann Arbor has 123,851 residents, spans 28.97 square miles and is frequently recognized as a foremost place to live, learn, work, thrive and visit. To keep up with City of Ann Arbor information, subscribe for email updates, and follow the city on Twitter and Facebook. The city's mission is to deliver exceptional services that sustain and enhance a vibrant, safe and diverse community.