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Keep Our Water Clean: Pick up after Pets

Keep Our Water Clean: Pick up after Pets

Archived News Release: February 28, 2024 - ​Stroll along just about any city park, sidewalk, or trail, and you may see (or worse, step in) dog poop. Dog waste that isn’t cleaned up isn’t just a stinky mess on the bottom of your shoes—it is also a cause of pollution in our creeks, rivers and lakes. When it rains, dog waste is flushed into our stormwater drainage pipes, and ultimately into the Huron River. Dog poop contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus, which can deplete oxygen that fish and other water-based life need to survive, as well as encourage the growth of harmful algae. It is also considered a significant source of pathogens like fecal coliform, a disease-causing bacteria. As dog owners, we have the responsibility to help protect the Huron River from this pollution. Please take a moment to “Scoop the Poop” – and be sure to carry a spare bag or two in your pocket for our canine friends. ​


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