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Guide to A2Trak


eTRAKiT​ is the City of Ann Ar​bor's former ​online permit tracking portal, containing permit and planning projects from ~2008 - March 2022. This system has been retired and replaced with the A2Trak archive search engine

 You may use A2Trak to find permit information for any property in the city from ~2008-2022. A Certificate of Compliance permits a property to be rented, thus all rental housing information can also be found through A2Trak.

For permits from 2022 and newer, ​use STREAM​.

NOTE: The following is a guide to finding rental information only. Here is the complete help guide for A2Trak. 

​​Once at A2Trak:


1. You will want to search permits​. If you know your property's rental permit number, you can search by permit number. If not, you can search by address. (​​TIP: when searching by address, do not use any punctuation or ST, DR, AVE, etc. in your search​).  For instance, for 301 E. Huron St.,  type only "301 E Huron" and click search. ​​

2. The results will contain all permits pulled under that ​address.  All building permit records go back to April 2001.  All rental records ("CR" = Certified Rental) have attachments dating back to the 1980s.​

3. If you need to filter your results further, you can use the secondary search bar to search by owner or complex name, case Subtype, Status, or if you want all Certified Rental records for that address, simply type "CRYY" where YY is the year you would like to reduce the search results to. Ex: CR19 will display all Certified Rental permits from 2019.

4. Select the permit you wish to view​.

5. Expand the sections along the page​ to find information ​pertaining to the property. 

      5a. Inspection notices, inspection reports, Certificates of Compliance, and more are found under the "Attachments" tab of the Permit Info tab. 

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