Submit your applications for unlinked permits via our online portal at
Links to all applications for Construction and Building are available through STREAM. You can search for these permits and apply through STREAM.
Trade Permits (Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing) - Applied via STREAM. A minimum of 24-48 hours is required for review and processing. Multiple applications on a property may require additional processing time. Your permit must be posted on the job site. Trade permits associated with a building project will not be released until the building permit is approved.
Additional links under each form will take you to information that will be useful during the completion and submission process, in addition to contact person(s).
- Address Change/Addition Request(PDF)
- These requests allow developers, property owners and agents the ability to apply to change their current address, create new addresses for a development or correct incorrect addressing.
- Our office will make all approved changes and notify all City Services as well as the US Postal Services.
- There is a $100 fee for this service.
- Please contact Scott Harrod at 734.794.6000 x42196 or for questions regarding the addressing process.
- Cash Bond Agreement(PDF)
- Impervious Area Worksheet for Residential Construction :Your permit must be posted on the job site. For residential jobs adding more than 200 square feet of impervious area, also complete and submit the Impervious Area Worksheet.
- Plan Revision Requests (Building Permits):
- For permits previously issued, revision requests are accepted via email directly to the plan reviewer. See requirements below. Revision requests will not be accepted without all requested information.
- (3) Required Documents
- Revision Request Form
- Revision Request Write-up (required to list changes and state where in the documents set the changes are being proposed; i.e. page numbers)
- A complete set of documents that have the proposed changes bubbled for review.
Please visit Planning Services' Development Review page to download applications for annexations, zoning, land division and site plan petitions.
*Banner, Block Party and Temporary Exemption from Maximum Permissible Sound Levels permits are currently handled through the Clerk's offices on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Please contact them at 734.794.6140 for additional information and procedures.
301 E. Huron Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
8 a.m.-5 p.m.
(excluding holidays)
Mike Lemieux
Building Official
734.794.6000 x42674
Lisha Turner-Tolbert
Building and Rental Services Manager
734.794.6000 x42669
Kathleen Mayo
Building Services Liaison
734.794.6000 x42686
Construction Administrative Specialists (General application questions & license registrations)
734.794.6263 x0
For a dial by name directory call 734.794.6000 then select Option 9
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