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Property Registration and Inspection Information

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​​​​​​How to Apply or Renew a Rental Property CofC

The first step register and apply on STREAM. After applying, we will review the application and schedule an inspection. 

IMPORTANT: The person who is applying for the Certified Rental License will be the license holder.  The License is not transferable if, the property is sold. New owners must register and apply for a new license. If the license if current at the time of the transfer, the inspection fee will be waved.  ​

​Now you can renew your license up to 6 months prior to the expiration date. Early renewal will not cause you to lose any months remaining on the CofC.  A renew license option will be available in your CR# when eligible. ​ Any licenses that have not been renewed through STREAM by the expiration date will have a fee for Failure to Renew.

Incomplete registratio​n forms that do not include the required Date of Birth of each person signing the document will lead to a delay in the process.​​​​

The homeowner may represent the property as their own agent. If they do not live or have an office within 25 miles of the City of Ann Arbor, they must choose a local agent. An agent can be a friend, relative, or a hired property management service. The agent does not have to be a licensed real estate agent. If your property has never been a rental before, the first inspection will require a two-hour block. We are currently scheduling inspections a few weeks out, so please plan accordingly. ​​

There is a $25.00 cycle fee for all properties with more than 2 units and all group quarters. This includes fraternities, sororities, and rooming houses.

​"No person shall lease or otherwise make a dwelling or rooming unit available for occupancy if a Certificate of Compliance is not in effect for the unit." (​Section 8:516(4) of the Ann A​​rbor Municipal Code). Failure to secure the appropriate Certificate of Compliance may result in enforcement against the property. This includes any type of advertisement, listing, or occupying the property as a rental.​

How to Update Owner/Agent Information

You must complete and upload the Property Update & Registration Form in your CR#.  These changes may include phone number, email, address, agent information or other changes​.  All information on the registration form is kept confidential and restricted to office use only.  We will never sell or share your personal information to anyone.


​​​Scheduling Inspections

IT IS THE HOMEOWNER/AGENT RESPONSIBILTY TO MAKE SURE THEIR CofC IS CURRENT. ​Please practice careful diligence to ensure inspections are scheduled when they are due for your property. ​Please note, inspections cannot be scheduled or requested through STREAM. Inspections must be scheduled through a Rental Housing Administrative Specialist. To schedule an inspection, please use the contact information to the right of this page or at the top of any Rental Housing document. 

When to Renew:

  • An initial re-certification must be renewed BEFORE the current certificate expires. Please make note of the expiration date on your C of C. An automatic fee will be charge if not renewed by the expiration date.  
  • A re-inspection (to follow up on violations) must be scheduled within THREE WEEKS of the previous inspection if, the inspector hasn't schedule it. 
  • If either deadline approaches and an inspection is not scheduled, an inspection date and time will be chosen for you. Please note that we only allow one free re-schedule/cancellation per inspection cycle. The best way to avoid multiple cancellations is to make sure you are scheduling the inspections. 


​​Inspection Process​:​

1. Once an application​ is submitted online through STREAM Your application will be put in our queue to approve, invoice and schedule. Once it is reviewed and processed by our office, we will schedule an inspection. You will receive an automated email from STREAM with the inspection date, time and the inspector assigned. You may reach out to an Admin if your application is has been in review and you are waiting for an inspection to be scheduled.

    a.  ​According to code 8:516(4), a dwelling or room may not be rented or made available for rent without an active C of C.

    b.  See the Pre-checklist & Smoke and Co-Detection for the items to be inspected.​

    c.  An invoice will be generated once we schedule an inspection. Invoices can be paid in STREAM with no extra fees. See the RH Fee Schedule for information on how fees are calculated.​​​​

3. When the inspection is done,​ the inspector will email the agent and/or owner the list of violations found (as applicable). The list is also available online.  If there are no violations found at the first inspection, the expiration date on the Certificate of Compliance will be extended by one year for that cycle only. 

4.  The homeowner/agent must contact our office within three weeks of the initial inspection if, the inspector hasn't automatically  schedule the re-inspection.  

5.  If violations are not corrected by the first re-inspection date, you will need a second re-inspection at an additional fee.

    a.  The property is subject to a posting of non-compliance after two re-inspections if, the violations have still not been remedied. A posting is a notice placed on the property stating the property is not in compliance with the City of Ann Abor Housing Code. The fee for the posting is $100. Tenant may put their monthly rent into escrow until compliance has been reached. 

6.  Once the violations have been​ corrected, we will issue a Certificate of Compliance (usually within 30 days). If needed sooner, please reach out to Brandi Lewis


First floor, 301 E. Huron Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

8 a.m.-5 p.m.
(excluding holidays)

For scheduling needs and general information, please contact an Administrative Specialist.

Rental Housing Contact

       Fax: 734.994.8460

Rental Services Coordinator/Admin

Brandi Lewis

Cell: 734.395.4357
       Office Voicemail: 734.794.6000 x42504
Code Compliance Official
Gregg Scrimger
734-794-6000 Ext. 42657

Building and Rental Services Manager

​Lisha Turner-Tolbert

734.794.6000 x​42669

Building Official

Mike Lemieux

734.794.6000 x42674
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