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A2 Community Dark Fiber Access and Availability

​​​​​​​​​​​​The City of Ann Arbor has over 44 miles of backbone fiber optics cable located within the city limits, and an additional 20 miles planned to extend to the City of Ypsilanti. The 3 individual physical fiber networks can act independently or ​be connected to form a single n​etwork. Each network is physically designed in a multi-ring configuration and centrally terminated/patched for failover, resiliency, and redundancy by allowing separate physical connections to a particular location(s).

Annual Usage and Maintenance Cost?​​


​​​ ​A2 I-NET ​Technology Park - DDA District ​A2-Ypsilanti Broadband ​​​A2 Community (All 3 Networks)***
​Annual Maintenance and Usage Fee - Per Pair ​$12,00​​0 ​​$12,000 ​$12,000 ​​​$12,000​
​Annual Replacement Cost - Per Pair ​$6,231.49 ​$1,395.85 ​$813.61 ​​​$8,440.94
​Total Annual Cost ​$18,231.49 ​$13,395.85 ​$12.813.61 ​​​$20,440.94

***Note: Fiber must be activated on all 3 fiber optic networks to qualify for this pricing. 
Who is the Dark Fiber system available to?

Dark fiber is av​​ailable to public and commercial organizations. A Fiber and Conduit Use Agreement must be executed to access, activate, and utilize th​e city’s non-active dark fiber. ​​

Fiber Optic Network Maps:
What are the benefits to the community?

Providing dark fiber access to the community will facilitate achieving the following goals and objectives: 

  • ​Bridging the Digital Divide
  • Promote economic d​evelopment 
  • Enhance city services, operational efficiencies, and reduce expenses
  • Support a community Smart City ecosystem
  • ​Leverage city investments for the benefit of the community
  • Efficiently utilize the ​Right-of-way (ROW) by reducing the congestion of assets and while maintaining aesthetics
  • Provide the foundation for a “connected” community. ​Densify our communications foundation and remove barriers to allow for seamless connectivity where feasible.

Who do I contact for more information?

Email or call Joshua Baron at or 734.794.6000 ext. 45532​​​

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