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Lot Prices & Burial Arrangements

​​​​​​​Purchase of lots, payments for services, or other arrangements are made through the Ann Arbor City Clerk's Office.

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Burial Arrange​ments

Burial Request Form​​ must be submitted to the Clerk's Office in-person, by phone or by email at least two business days before the time of burial. A confirmation of​ receipt and burial date and time will be communicated in return.

Fairvi​ew Cemetery Fee Schedule

​Fairview Cemetery still has just under 100 lots with burial rights available for purchase. To view available locations, visit the Fairview Cemetery Map.

Fairview Cemetery does not offer payment plans - all payments must be made in full.




Sale of Lots



Full Grave



Cremation - There are no cremation-only lots available for purchase (5/2024)



Transfer of Lot Ownership Fee






Interment: Opening & Closing



Full Grave - Adult - Mon-Fri



Full Grave - Adult - Saturday



​Cremation - Mon-Fri



Cremation - Saturday



Child/Infant (price includes grave space)



 Additional Grave Fee within Same Lot






Full Grave






Financial Assistance for Burials

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services offers emergency support designed to assist low-income households that are normally able to make ends meet but occasionally need help when unexpected emergency situations arise.

When the descendant's estate, mandatory copayments, etc., are not sufficient, burial payment assistance from MDHHS may be available to help pay for burial or cremation.

Funeral Planning Tips

The Federal Trade Commission has an article with helpful information with regard to funeral planning​.  

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