Lot Sale
Grave spaces are sold on a first come first served basis. Payment must be made in full.
Owner(s) of grave spaces are encouraged to designate the individual grave spaces at the time of purchase.
Ownership of the cemetery spaces shall descend to the owner's heirs; but any-one or more such heirs may convey to any other heir his or her interest in the cemetery lot.
The number of graves and interments permitted per Block will be determined by the block and lot size. Dimensions of each individual full grave space is 4' x 10'.
Cremation and infant under 1 year of age only designated spaces are also for sale throughout the cemetery.
Resale of Lots
The City of Ann Arbor does not allow for the resale of any cemetery grave spaces. However, space(s) may be sold back to the City. The City will reimburse the owner of the space(s) the amount of the original purchase price for any unused grave spaces.
Deed transfer may be granted to an immediate family member of the current owner of the grave spaces. Immediate family includes Spouse, Domestic Partner, Daughter, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Mother of the spouse or domestic partner, Father of the spouse or domestic partner, Brother of the spouse or domestic partner, Sister of the spouse or domestic partner, Grandchild, Grandparent, Grandparent of the spouse or domestic partner, Stepson, Stepdaughter, Stepmother, Stepfather, Stepsister, Stepbrother, Stepmother of the spouse or domestic partner, Stepfather of the spouse or domestic partner, Stepchild, or member of household. The deed transfers the grantors interest in the property, whatever that may be.
Before transferring any grave spaces you must check with Clerk's Office first.
Perpetual Care
Perpetual care is included within the purchase of all cemetery space.
Perpetual care does not include repair or replacement of markers, monuments, and foundations.
Perpetual care services performed by the City include grass mowing and trimming, road maintenance, and leveling and re-seeding of sunken graves and markers.
To open a grave, the request must be made through the Clerk's Office.
A minimum of 48 business hours notification to the Clerk's Office is required to prepare for a burial. More time may be required for a Saturday or burial on a City observed holiday. We currently do not offer Sunday burials.
An extra fee will be charged for burials on a Saturday or during a City observed holiday.
No interments shall be allowed until the space and opening/closing costs have been paid. The City's contracted sexton will prepare all graves.
No person, except someone acting under direction of the City or its contractor, shall dig any grave in the cemetery.
Funeral homes must be licensed by the state of origin and provide final disposition or out of state burial transit permits.
Size of the grave shall be at least five feet deep for an adult and four feet deep for a child.
All interments shall be restricted to persons designated by the lot owner(s). No human remains may be buried in a cemetery space except the human remains of one having interest in the cemetery space or a relative.
If a request is presented for the interment of a person not a member of the immediate family, written authorization from the space owner must be filed with the Clerk's Office.
Interment of two bodies in one grave will only be allowed in cases of two cremains or one cremains and one conventional burial. Multiple interments may be made with Spouse, Domestic Partner, Daughter, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Mother of the spouse or domestic partner, Father of the spouse or domestic partner, Brother of the spouse or domestic partner, Sister of the spouse or domestic partner, Grandchild, Grandparent, Grandparent of the spouse or domestic partner, Stepson, Stepdaughter, Stepmother, Stepfather, Stepsister, Stepbrother, Stepmother of the spouse or domestic partner, Stepfather of the spouse or domestic partner, Stepchild, or member of household.
An additional grave space fee will apply in cases of two interments within the same grave space.
No removal of a body from the cemetery shall be made except by written approval of the City, and presentation of a legal permit.
The City is not responsible for any damages to the vault as a result of disinterment. The lot owner must sign a disclaimer in advance.
All burials, except cremains or infant burials must be in a steel or concrete vault.
Cremains must be placed in a non-biodegradable container; however, no vault is required.
Skilled vault operators must be provided and paid by the lot owner for the handling and sealing of the vault.
Handling and sealing of the vault must be performed under the supervision of a licensed funeral home.
Decorating Gravesites
The planting of annual and perennial flowers are permitted at the base of the grave marker only. Prohibited plants included trees of any kind, shrubs, rose bushes, Irises, Lilies of the Valley, and perennials that require exceptional care.
No digging or fertilization of the grave spaces.
The following decorations are not permitted: plastic or wood border edging, fencing, benches, rocks, gravel and mulch. Toys, mementos, figurines, and lighting are permitted if they are within a brick border no more than 12" from the marker's foundation.
All shepherds' hooks must be placed as close as possible to the left or right side of the marker. The basket must hang over the marker.
No standing easels, except for holiday wreaths, are allowed.
No decorations can infringe upon the adjacent grave space(s).
Urns and vases must be placed next to either side of the cemetery marker and within the protected marker row.
Artificial flowers should be in good condition and of a construction that will not deteriorate in the elements. Styrofoam constructed decorations and vases are prohibited.
No artificial flower decorations can be anchored to the ground.
Fresh cut flowers should be removed by lot owners when they wilt and become unsightly. All funeral flowers left at the grave will be removed by cemetery staff after they deteriorate.
Fresh flower arrangements and artificial flowers must be put in durable containers. Glass, china, and all fragile vases are not permitted.
All urns and vases must be kept in good condition. Iron vases must be properly painted. Broken or unpainted vases will be removed by the City.
Vases or urns that are not planted for three consecutive years will be removed and disposed of by the City.
The City is not responsible for the damage or theft of anything placed on the gravesite.
Waste receptacles are provided for the deposition of waste, litter, weeds, decayed flowers, and plants.
All unauthorized decorations will be removed and discarded without notice. The City is not responsible for these items.
The City has the right to remove or trim any tree or shrub situated on any lot that becomes, by means of its roots, branches, condition or in any other respect, detrimental to the adjacent lots, roads, or general appearance of the grounds. Trees or shrubs may also be removed or trimmed which restrict access to gravesites for burial purposes. The City shall not be held accountable for removal or trimming.
The City has the right to remove any plants planted in the ground or landscape decorations that do not conform to the cemetery rules and regulations.
The City is NOT responsible for reimbursement for any plants or decorations removed by cemetery staff or damage by the maintenance crews.
Monuments and Markers
Lot owners are encouraged to contact the City Clerk's Office regarding procedures prior to ordering or setting of any marker or monument.
All gravesites require a cemetery marker within one year of burial.
All Markers are required to have a concrete base installed by the City or designated contractor.
Marker bases are made of concrete and may have a minimum of 2" wider than the marker on all sides and 3-4" thick.
For reasons of uniformity, only those markers and monuments authorized by the City shall be permanently placed.
All private contractors performing marker and monument work within the cemeteries must be pre-approved by the City.
All fees must be paid in advance for marker settings.
The City will attempt to have markers installed within one month of delivery and fee payment, depending upon the workload and cemetery conditions.
Marker and monument installation may be performed during the period of May through October.
For Blocks designated for flat markers, they shall be no larger than 24" x 12".
Only one flat marker is allowed in the areas designated for infant or cremation and shall not be larger than 10" x 20".
Single markers for future interments may be installed.
No triple markers allowed.
Any stone more than twelve inches thick will be considered a monument.
A minimum of two lots are required for a monument.
No monument shall be higher than five feet above ground level. The foundation of the monument cannot be constructed closer than six inches from the lot line.
Monuments are constructed of two pieces of granite a "Base" and a "Die". The base has a minimum requirement of 24" x 12" x 6" (L x W x H). The die or top shall not be over 5' in height and shall not exceed the length or width of the base. No vertical joints are allowed in the monuments.
Monument foundations must be at least as large as the bottom base, or first masonry course above the ground. The City reserves the right to require a large foundation when the weight of the structure demands it. The City shall have the right to prevent the delivery, erection, or setting of any marker or monument whenever weather and ground conditions could impair the results or damage the grounds.
The City may prevent the erection or installation of any structure, or to remove any structure, which is deemed detrimental to the general appearance or safety of the cemetery.
Cemetery Cleanup
Spring cleanup by cemetery patrons is scheduled for April 1-15. Cemetery staff will remove any remaining decorations after April 15. New decorations may be placed after May 1st.
Fall clean up by cemetery patrons is scheduled for October 1-15. Cemetery staff will remove any remaining decorations after October 15. New decorations may be placed after November 1st.
The City is not responsible for any disposed decorations.
Cemetery Rates
Rates are set by resolution of the Ann Arbor City Council.
Rates include grave spaces, interments, and may include marker setting and overtime for burials.
No service will be performed by the City until all fees are paid.
Overtime fees will apply for burials after business hours on weekdays, Monday-Friday, Saturday and any City of Ann Arbor observed holiday. We currently do not offer Sunday burials.
An additional burial fee will apply where two interments are permitted within one grave space.
Extra Services
Grave owners should not request cemetery workers to perform special or extra work, or offer to pay those workers for such work.
All work and improvements on the cemetery grounds are subject to the discretion of the City Clerk's Office.
General Rules
Workers and all persons, whether employees or visitors, are expected to act with such decorum and respect as the occasion and premises demand.
During the progress of burial services, all work in the immediate vicinity shall cease and quiet shall prevail.
No person shall injure or destroy trees, shrubs, or plants. Writing on or defacing monuments and structures is prohibited and punishable by law.
The throwing of waste and litter is prohibited. Receptacles are provided for the deposit of weeds, decayed flowers and plants.
No person shall drive any motor vehicle upon the grass, or park it at any other place except upon established roadways, unless authorized to do so by an employee of the City.
Firearms, including air rifle, will not be permitted in the cemetery except for authorized volley at burials or memorial services.
Erecting booths or stalls, selling, peddling, soliciting, or advertising, and the distribution or placing of any advertisement is prohibited.
Speed limit on all cemetery roads is 15 mph.
All pets must be on a leash, and remain on the paths or roadways.
Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the cemetery.
The City will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any article or object left in any part of the cemetery.
Contractor Procedures
All contractors performing work within the cemetery must carry liability insurance at levels determined by the City. Certificates of insurance must be on file with the City Clerk's Office.
Contractors and others having work to do in the cemetery must advise the City Clerk's Office prior to commencing work.
Materials for any work shall not be sent to the cemetery unless accompanied by someone in authority who has knowledge of its use and destination.
Persons engaged in placing vaults, monuments or other structures in cemetery are prohibited from attaching ropes to monuments, trees, shrubs, or other objects, without consent of the City Clerk's Office or authorized contractor.
City of Ann Arbor Clerk's Office is given the legal right to prevent the erection of any structure or to remove any structure that he shall deem injurious to the general appearances of the cemetery or the adjoining lots.
All contractors performing monument and marker work within the cemetery must pre-approved by the City.
Moving cemetery monuments or any heavy material over any path, lot or part thereof, shall only be done with the consent of the City Clerk's Office. A heavy plank must always protect the ground and turf.
Avoid the obstruction of drives and pathways during construction and material deliveries whenever possible.
Contractors must remove all trash and excess materials immediately after completing marker and monument work. The lot and surroundings must be restored to their original condition by or at the expense of the person, firm or corporation having the work done.
Employees of contractors are expected to act with such decorum and respect as the occasion and premises demand. During the progress of burial services, all work in the immediate vicinity shall cease and quiet shall prevail.
Contractors shall be responsible for all damages to the cemetery facilities including markers, monuments, roads, trees, shrubbery, and flowers.
Modifications and Amendments
The City may, and it hereby expressly reserves the right, at any time or times, with or without notice to owners, to adopt new rules and regulations, or to amend, alter and/or repeal any rule, regulation and/or article, section, or paragraph and/or sentence in these Rules and Regulations.
Special cases may arise in which the literal enforcement of a rule may impose unnecessary hardship. The City of Ann Arbor reserves the right, without notice, to make exceptions or modifications in any of the Rules and Regulations when in its judgement, the same appear advisable; and such temporary exceptions or modifications shall in no way be construed as affecting the general application of such.
Questions regarding the interpretation of these Rules and Regulations should be addressed with the appropriate staff at the City Clerk's Office, located at 301 E Huron 2nd Floor, Ann Arbor MI, or call (734) 794-6140.
As Amended and Approved by Ann Arbor City Council on August 5, 2019.