Since 1973, CTN has provided free television production workshops to residents and non-profit organizations and created local cable programming about our community. CTN is one of the oldest access television operations in the country and has experienced a dynamic and productive existence. Video: Who is CTN
CTN is funded via cable franchise fees, which are the compensation paid to the local franchising agency (the City of Ann Arbor) for use of rights of way which is used in the deployment of the cable system. Franchise fees are capped at 5 percent by Federal law, however, the Federal law also allows for additional fees that can be used for Public, Educational and Government (PEG) channels and communication services. In the City of Ann Arbor, the PEG fee paid by cable operators is 2 percent. CTN does not receive City of Ann Arbor general fund revenue.
Viewership on cable TV
CTN is carried on Comcast/Xfinity in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Ypsilanti Township, portions of Scio Township and Pittsfield Township. CTN Channel 16 is also carried on AT&T channel 99 Estimated penetration rate of 63K household and Commercial reach in the City of Ann Arbor.
View CTN online
Comcast /Xfinity cable channels 16, 17, 18 and 19, and online streaming and video on demand. Also on ourYouTube Channel.
View CTN on Android and iOS platforms
CTN is available on both Android and iOS platforms for FREE by simply searching for the "Cablecast" app, select install, search "CTN"
View CTN on streaming apps (OTT TV)
CTN is available on Roku, Apple TV and or Amazon Fire TV
Roku & Apple TV downloading Instructions
Programs we produce
CTN Local Series, Promos, PSAs, Community Messages, Meeting Coverage, Ann Arbor Public School Sports
Submit a program - Public Access Channel
Residents and non-residents are encouraged to submit their programs to Public Access Channel 17. Watch Video - How To Submit a Public Access Program.
Submit to the electronic bulletin boards
A free-of-charge, convenient and simple way to promote nonprofit events, announcements. Video - How To Submit the Electronic Bulletin Board. Send messages to ctn@a2gov.org or fill out this Form.
Public involvement
Residents of the city of Ann Arbor or a verified representative of an Ann Arbor area non-profit organization have the option to take free video production training and checkout equipment. CTN requires proof of residency. Video: Tours of CTN
Alliance for Community Media-Central States, Michigan NATOA
Franchise agreements between the City of Ann Arbor and cable operators are non-exclusive, therefore, any cable provider may negotiate with the City of Ann Arbor to offer cable service. Currently, AT&T and Comcast have franchise agreements to offer cable service in Ann Arbor.

2805 S. Industrial Highway, Ste 200, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Office Hours: Monday-Friday,
10 a.m.-6 p.m., by appointment only
Facility Hours: By appointment only
Connect with Us