On Dec. 21, 2006, Governor Granholm signed legislation known as Public Act 480. This law is commonly known as the "Uniform Video Services Local Franchise Act." PA 480 creates a uniform franchise agreement that is to be used between each franchising entity and video provider in the state of Michigan. The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) is the agency that implements the Act. MPSC is also in charge of cable inquiries and complaints.
Cable issues
- Are you having a billing or service problem with your local cable provider that isn’t being resolved?
- Are you upset that your cable rates keep rising?
- Do you not like your cable provider's response to a recent complaint?
Michigan Public Service Commission
Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) staff is able to assist cable customers with filing informal video or cable complaints Monday – Friday by calling 800.292.9555. Please note these hours may vary due to state holidays.
The MPSC suggests you first to contact your video/cable provider with questions before contacting the MPSC. At times, call volumes may be high while staff are assisting other customers. In this case, callers will be put into a voicemail. If you are connected to the Video Franchise voicemail, please leave a detailed message. Be ready to include your full name, call back number, billing address, and the nature of your complaint. Staff will respond to your complaint as soon as possible.
Visit their Facebook page or X page.
You can also contact the MPSC by submitting your inquiry or complaint in writing.
Michigan Public Service Commission
Attn: Video Franchising
P.O. Box 30221
Lansing, Michigan 48909
To file a complaint with the MPSC, visit the MPSC video/cable complaint site.

2805 S. Industrial Highway, Ste 200, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Office Hours: Monday-Friday,
10 a.m.-6 p.m., by appointment only
Facility Hours: By appointment only
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