Channel 16 - Live gavel-to-gavel coverage of city meetings and CTN-produced series
See below for information on how to watch city meetings and CTN series, including city council meetings.
Building Board of Appeals
LIVE: 1:30 pm on the third Thursday of the month and replayed the following Wednesday at 2:00 pm. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Cable Communications Commission
LIVE: 4:00 pm on the first Wednesday of February, May, August and November. Replayed the following Saturday at 8:00 am. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
City Council
LIVE: 7:00 pm on the first, second (Work Sessions) and third Mondays of the month. Replayed the following Fridays at 8:00 pm. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Commission on Disability Issues
LIVE: 4:00 pm on the third Wednesday of the month and replayed the following Monday at 2:00 pm. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Design Review Board
LIVE: 3:00 pm on the second Wednesday of the month and replayed the following Saturday at 5:00 pm. (VOD CTN YouTube Tightrope)
Energy Commission
LIVE: 6:00 pm on the second Tuesday of the month and replayed the following Saturday at 8:00 pm. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Environmental Commission
LIVE: 7:00 pm on the fourth Thursday of the month and replayed the following Saturday at 2:00 pm. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Greenbelt Advisory Commission
LIVE: 4:30 pm on the first Thursday of the month and replayed the following Monday at 2:00 pm. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Historic District Commission
LIVE: 7:00 pm on the second Thursday of the month and replayed the following Monday at 2:00 pm. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Housing Board of Appeals
LIVE: 1:30 pm on the second Tuesday of the month and replayed the following Saturday at 8:00 am. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Human Rights Commission
RECORDED: 7:00 pm on the second Wednesday of the month and replayed the following Saturday at 10:00 am. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Independent Community Police Oversight Commission
RECORDED: 6:00 pm on the third Tuesday of the month. Replayed the following Saturday at 8:00 am. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Park Advisory Commission
LIVE: 4:00 pm on the third Tuesday of the month and replayed the following Saturday at 11:00 am. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Planning Commission
(2) - LIVE: 7:00 pm on the first and third Tuesdays of the month and replayed the following Saturdays at 8:00 pm. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Public Art Commission
LIVE: 7:00 pm on the first Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November. Replayed the following Saturday at 10:00 am. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Public Market Advisory Commission
LIVE: 5:30 pm on the third Thursday of the month and replayed the following Tuesday at 2:00 pm. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Renters Commission
LIVE: 7:30 pm on the third Thursday of the month and replayed the following Thursday at 3 pm (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Transportation Commission
LIVE: 7pm on the third Wednesday of the month and replayed the following Monday at 4:00 pm. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
Zoning Board of Appeals
LIVE: 6:00 pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month and replayed the following Monday at 4:00 pm. (VOD- CTN YouTube, Website)
CTN-produced series
- Adventures in Parenthood, Parenting topics
- Ann Arbor Inclusive, Commission on Disability Issues show
- CTN Election Coverage of local elections
- F.Y.I, weekly Ann Arbor news and information program
- Green Light, envisioning, creating, and establishing a sustainable and equitable future for our community.
- Let's Watch With the Ann Arbor Film Festival
- Senior Moments, focuses on senior citizen programs and events
- Ward Talk, monthly Council member interview show
Other public meetings:
Downtown Development Authority
RECORDED on the first Wednesday of the month. Replayed the following Saturday at 1:00pm and the following Monday at 5:00 pm. (VOD – a2dda.org)
Channel 17 - Programs presented by residents and non-profit organizations
Citizen-produced Public Access Programs
Access Ann Arbor, a 30-minute talk show where residents or non-profits provide the host and topic
Soapbox, residents express their opinions and non-profits promote their events during five-minute segments produced bi-weekly
Channel 18 - Programs from education institutions
CTN Sports (Ann Arbor Public Schools)
Experience CTN - Up-close interviews with community members who utilize CTN services
Ann Arbor Public Schools Programming
Ann Arbor Public Schools Board of Education Meetings
Ann Arbor Public High School Graduations
Ann Arbor District Library Programming
Let's Watch with the Ann Arbor Film Festival
University of Michigan Programming
University of California Television Health and Medical News
Washtenaw Community College programming
Channel 19 - Community Bulletin Board
City of Ann Arbor and CTN's Community Bulletin board. This includes electronic bulletin board messages, social media feeds, city related video promos and PSAs, weather alerts and emergency messaging. The community is welcome to submit their noncommercial messages and events to CTN@a2gov.org.

2805 S. Industrial Highway, Ste 200, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Office Hours: Monday-Friday,
10 a.m.-6 p.m., by appointment only
Facility Hours: By appointment only
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