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Non-Profit & Public Opportunities


Access Ann Arbor

Do you want to get the word out about a local opportunity, event or voice an opinion? Access Ann Arbor is a 30-minute program that is taped at CTN the first Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. No video production experience is necessary. Call (734) 794.6150 to book your spot or email


This five minute spot is open to Ann Arbor Residents and local area non-profit organizations to announce upcoming events, discuss organization activities, concerns and opinions. No video production experience is necessary. Call (734) 794.6150 to book your spot or email


CTN Studio Tour

Go behind the scenes and get an up close look at how TV is made in Ann Arbor in our TV studios and control room.  Groups are offered the opportunity to talk about their experience and/ or perform a short skit on camera and then have it played back on the CTN channels and website.

Tours are free of charge and are held Monday - Friday upon studio and staff availability.  Call (734) 794.6150 x41504 to sign up or more information. ​

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