Current Program
The city's deer management program is no longer active.
If you want to report a sick deer, submit an online form to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
To request removal of a dead deer on public property call Washtenaw Metro Dispatch at 734.994.2911. Property owners are responsible for the removal of dead deer on private property.
Don't Fawn Over Fawns
Spring has sprung! As we wander through the woods or even our backyards, we may encounter young wildlife at this time of year, particularly fawns. When these encounters occur it is important to keep a respectful distance from the animal to ensure their safety. For more information on what to do if you encounter orphaned or injured wildlife read the Don't Fawn Over Fawns flyer.
Bait Ban and Bird Feeding
Under an Ann Arbor deer feeding prohibition ordinance and a Michigan Department of Natural Resources baiting and feeding ban, it is illegal to put out any substance composed of grains, minerals, salt, fruit, vegetables, hay or any other food material, whether natural or manufactured, which may lure, entice or attract deer. Removing bird feeders entirely is the only way to guarantee they will not act as bait for deer, however such drastic action is not required with the right planning. With a little care and effort, you can significantly reduce the likelihood that your feeders will attract deer and still enjoy legally feeding birds or squirrels. For more bird feeding tips, read the Bait Ban and Bird Feeding Flyer.
Deer Resistant Gardening
If you live in an area with foraging deer, you've likely watched some of your plants experience browse. But before you give up on gardening altogether, try making your yard less appealing to deer by choosing plants that deer find less desirable. Learn more via the city's deer resistant gardening webpage.
Non-Lethal Deer Deterrents
City staff have created a comprehensive list of non-lethal deer management techniques that allow citizens to reduce deer impacts on their property. We have listed a variety of exclusionary methods, repellents and deterrents that are allowed within the City of Ann Arbor and have scientifically shown some efficacy. Residents who want to reduce deer impacts on their property should review and consider implementing these various strategies via the non-lethal deer deterrent webpage.

Tips for Avoiding a Deer Vehicle Crash
Cruising the roads to enjoy autumn’s colors? Be on the lookout for deer. Animal collisions rise dramatically in the fall when deer are mating and the days are shortening, increasing the overlap of when deer are most active and when people are driving. Driver awareness is key, but sometimes in our day to day lives distractions overcome even the most mindful of drivers. View these deer driver awareness reminders to ensure you have a safe commute no matter where you are and what steps to take should a deer collision occur.