What is the Problem?*
- Deer browsing is adversely impacting the bio-diversity and sustainability of plants/animals/insects in the City’s natural areas. This impact is beyond the tolerance level of some residents.
- Deer browsing is adversely impacting residential and commercial gardens/ landscaping on private land. This impact is beyond the tolerance level of some residents.
Before the start of the deer management program in 2016, deer/vehicle accidents had been trending upward (from 2011-2015).

*It is also important to note that a segment of the city’s residents has a higher tolerance for deer and views them in a positive light. Some advocate for a change in the deer management program that includes non-lethal methods, education, and/or no action all.
Educational Program & Public Rights-of-Way Improvements:
- Monitor potential areas for additional deer signage and implement installation.
- Continue to update the city’s deer management website.
- Continue to update the city's interactive information/mapping tool.
Sterilization (Non-lethal) Program:
- Sterilization program is suspended until the Michigan Legislature makes a determination regarding its legality.
Lethal Program:
- Number of firearm related injuries associated with cull activities is 0.
- Remove up to 150 deer, depending on available locations, weather and contractor recommendation.
- Level of public park closures are acceptable to at least 75% of surveyed residents.
- Coordinate with University of Michigan to use available locations for the deer management program.