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Day Camps

2025 Summer Camp 

2025 summer camp registration will open Monday, April 2 at 8 a.m.  Camp schedules will be available for viewing on or before March 1.

 Please visit the registration page​ for detailed camp information including schedules. 

​Buhr Pool Day Camp

Campers will spend the day outdoors playing field, water and traditional camp games as well as sports activities and loads of crafts. Campers will be grouped by age and be paired with camp counselors they will spend their week with. Every day of camp will include active games, crafts, a snack and swimming time. Register online.​

Buhr Park will not host camp the week of July 1-5. Check out other camp opportunities at Fuller Pool or Gallup River Camps for this week.

Camp Hours

Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Camp Fee

  • $210 resident per week
  • $255 nonresident per week


  • June 17-21, Space Week
  • June 24-28, Mythical Creatures Week
  • July 8-12, Music Week
  • July 15-19, Pirate Week
  • July 22-26, Mystery Week
  • July 29-Aug. 2, Dinosaur Week
  • Aug. 5-8, Michigan Nature Week
  • Aug. 12-16, Around the World Week

Fuller Pool Day Camp

Our outdoor camp offers opportunities for fun both in and out of the water. Campers will spend the day trying log rolling, rafting down the Huron River, waterslide races, enjoying our very own bounce house, traditional camp games, sports, crafts and three days of basic swimming lessons. Campers will be grouped by age and be paired with camp counselors they will spend their week with. Our camp themes will guide crafts, games and activities but campers will spend a great deal of their day in the pool. Register online.​

Camp Hours

Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Camp Fee

  • $210 resident per week
  • $255 nonresident per week


  • June 17-21, Animated Adventure Week
  • June 24-28, Superhero Week
  • July 1-3, Build It Week (No camp July 4-5)
  • July 8-12, Color Week
  • July 15-19, Medieval Week
  • July 22-26, Ocean Week
  • July 29-Aug. 2, Outer Space Week
  • Aug. 5-9, Pirate Week
  • Aug. 12-16, Nature Week
  • Aug. 19-23, Teams Week

Program and camp refun​​d policies​

Refund Schedule for Programs

​Refunds for classes/programs/activities may be requested by email or in person at the facility where the class/program/activity is located 7 days prior to the start of the activity.  Refunds on credit cards or in the form of a personal check are subject to a $10 administrative fee (per activity), deducted from the total refund. Refunds in the form of a personal check may take four to six weeks for processing.  This General Class/Program/Activity Refund Policy does not apply to day camps and park rentals.  The recreation supervisor reserves the right to grant exceptions to the stated policies in situations including, but not limited to, injury, illness and death of a family member.

Refund Schedule for Day C​amps

46 days or more prior to the start of the day camp: 100% ($10 administration fee).
Within 30-45 days of start of the day camp: 50% ($10 administration fee)
Within 15-29 days of start of the day camp: 25% ($10 administration fee)
Within 14 days of start of the day camp: 0% ($0).

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