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About OSI

​​Lear​n more about the Office of Sustainability & Innovations

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301 E Huron St
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Crea​ted in July of 2018, the Ann Arbor Office of Sustainability and Innovations (OSI) strives to work with all Ann Arborites to ensure Ann Arbor is the most sustainable and equitable City in America. 

OSI is guided by the Ann Arbor Carbon Neutrality Plan: A2ZERO​.

Before creation of the OSI and adoption of A2ZERO, the City's sustainability work was housed in Pu​blic Services a​nd guided by a Sustainability​ Fram​ework.  This Framework laid out 16 goals organized in four areas: 1) climate and energy; 2) community; 3) land use and access; and 4) resource management. The Sustainability Framework​ was used to develop the Sustainability Actio​n Plan​, an implementation and tracking tool for the framework.

Over the years, tracking of the Sustainability Framework lagged and an uneven focus on priorities led to a disconnect between the goals of the Sustainability Framework and on the ground imple​mentation. In 2018, the City reset its sustainability work by laser focusing on climate action. This re-focusing did not diminish or negate the importance ​of the Sustainability Framework and the goals indicated within it. It did, however, provide immediacy to the climate and energy goals outlined within the Framework and allowed the newly formed OSI to place an organizational emphasis on making demonstrative progress in this area.

To learn more about OSI, click on the links to the right.​

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