Report a problem
To report a pothole, street light outage, malfunctioning traffic signal, missing or damaged street signs, please use our Report a Problem page or the A2 Fix It app.
For water emergencies or to report a water main break, basement flooding, sanitary sewer back up, rusty water or a plugged storm drain please contact us: Monday-Friday 7 a.m.-3 p.m. at 734.794.6350. At all other times, please call 734.994.2840.
To report a sidewalk in need of repair, please contact city staff at 734.994.2493 or by email at:
Utility information
The City of Ann Arbor provides utility information as a service for those who request it.
If you need to know the location of public water mains, sanitary sewer or storm sewer lines for a location within the City of Ann Arbor, please provide your name or company name, phone number and site address in an email to:
If no site address exists, please identify the street and block with as much detail as possible.
Requests shall be processed within five business days.
Nicholas Hutchinson, P.E.,
City Engineer
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