Crosswalk design quick sheet
This overview of the crosswalk design guidelines (PDF) for controlled and uncontrolled crosswalks is a product of this project.

The purpose of this project was to engage the public in a discussion to:
Respond to the public concerns identified through the Pedestrian Safety Access Task Force project regarding inconsistencies in crosswalk design.
Learn about community desires and preferences for crosswalk designs, especially how the community understands existing traffic control devices at crosswalks.
Share with the community what requirements and guidelines the City already is required or chooses to work with.
- Glossary handout (1.7MB PDF)
- Crosswalk glossary poster (PDF)
- Dec. 8, 2016 public meeting presentation (PDF)
- Dec. 5, 2016 meeting summary (PDF)
- RRFB Poster (PDF)
- Aug. 3, 2016 public meeting summary (PDF)
- Crosswalk design flow chart (PDF)
- Crosswalk design project factors (PDF)
- Design options handout (PDF)
Cynthia Redinger
301 E. Huron St., 4th Floor
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