Driving safely
To smooth your journey, subscribe to online notices of road and lane closures. The Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority provides information on where to park downtown. Even if you drive everywhere, you are a pedestrian at some point of your day. Help keep our streets safe for everyone:
Stop and yield for pedestrians when coming upon a pedestrian properly at, or in, a crosswalk.
Stay out of bike lanes. Bike lanes are for bikes. It is illegal for cars to drive in them or park in them.
Give bikes 5 feet. Ann Arbor’s Safe Passing ordinance requires drivers, when passing a bicyclist, pedestrian or wheelchair user on the roadway, to maintain a distance of at least 5 feet. Drivers are reminded bicyclists may legally ride on Michigan roads, except limited access freeways and should be patient and drive cautiously and wait until enough space is available to pass bicyclists or other users in the roadway.
Take care near buses. Watch for riders existing buses, and yield the right of way to buses.
Stop on red. Yellow lights mean slow down, not speed up. Traffic crashes are a significant cause of preventable death and injury in the U.S.
Don't pass vehicles stopped at crosswalks. You cannot see if a pedestrian is in the crosswalk while you are driving around or past a stopped vehicle.
Traffic enforcement
If you have a suggestion for additional traffic enforcement, please complete the Ann Arbor Police Department's Traffic Complaint Questionnaire.
Road work
To stay up to date on road construction within the City of Ann Arbor, please visit the roads and lane closures page. Updates are also provided via Facebook and X.
For potholes, problem sidewalks or streetlights, use the A2 Fix It app or our Report a Problem page.