Interested in how your local government is spending your tax dollars, fees and other city revenue to provide services to citizens of Ann Arbor?
A2OpenBook is an online tool designed to disclose all City of Ann Arbor expenses in a transparent, simple and easy to use format.
About this financial information:
- City data is pulled directly from the City of Ann Arbor’s LOGOS financial database.
- A2OpenBook includes data for the City of Ann Arbor.
- All budgets and actual amounts are included, except the budget of the Housing Commission which is not required to be approved by Council, and expenditures for the DDA and Housing Commission, which maintain their own financial systems.
- Information is available for expenses beginning July 1, 2010 through today as data is updated daily, with the exception of p-card data which is updated periodically.
Other Links/Items of Interest:
- City of Ann Arbor Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFR)
- Citizen's Guide to Finance and Budget
For more detailed reports from the City's financial system, please visit our data catalog.
Can’t find what you are looking for?
Please e-mail questions or feedback to the City's Financial Services Area by clicking here.