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Revenue Highlights

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Revenue Highlights

Below is a chart representing how the City's funding sources are distributed for fiscal year 2025 for governmental funds (General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, Capital Projects, and Permanent funds). Our governmental funds continue to rely heavily on tax dollars and state ​shared revenue.​


Charges for Services - This category is comprised of fees for services including, but not limited to, water, sewer, and stormwater charges, false alarm fees, alarm registration fees, and Parks and Recreation fees.

Intergovernmental Revenues - This includes State Shared Revenue from the State of Michigan as well as any grant revenue received.

Intragovernmental Sales - This represents services provided to other funds, which are directly billed and are recorded as revenues to the receiving fund.

Investment Income - This is earned by each fund by placing excess funds in approved investments until needed.

Licenses, Permits & Registrations - This revenue is mainly derived from permit fees for various building and planning permits and licenses as well as items such as dog licenses.

Operating Transfers In - This revenue largely relates to transfers from various funds to the Debt Service fund for debt service payments.

Sale of Bonds - This represents revenue that is received​ from bond proceeds for capital projects.

Taxes - This category is comprised of property taxes levied on real and personal property within the City.

Use of Fund Balance - This represents the use of surplus funds from previous years' budgets.

All Other Revenue - This includes contributions such as donations as well as fines and forfeits related to parking tickets, traffic violation citations and City ordinance violations.

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