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Fire Safety Resources

Fireworks Safety

Grilling Safety

​Lithium Ion battery fire safety

Recreational Fires​

The National Fire Prote​ction Agency offers life and fire safety information on many topics​.

The U.S. Fire Administration offers free tips: Fire is Everyone's Fight and home fire prevention tips.​ ​

Fire Extinguisher Disp​osal

AAFD does not accept old fire extinguishers.  Below are two options.

  1. Washtenaw County’s Home Toxics Reduction Program provides the county residents with a free​ disposal option. Please check their website for current day and time drop-off options.

  2. CertaSite​ 3901 Varsity Drive, Ann Arbor. ​ They will charge a disposal fee of $13.00 per extinguisher. If a new extinguisher is purchased, the disposal fee may​ be waived. (This information is subject to change).

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