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Airport News & Projects

​​​​Final Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Ru​nway Safety Extension Project is Now Available

Consistent with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, the City initiated an environmental assessment (EA) process to determine the potential impacts of lengthening the primary runway at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport. The EA addresses potential impacts to noise ​levels, air quality, water quality, wetlands, floodplains, plant and wildlife, light emissions, historical and cultural resources, traffic, social and socioeconomic factors. After multiple public hearings and opportunities for public input, the EA process has been completed and the results determined there would be no significant impacts if the proposed project moves forward.
The entire EA document is available for review by accessing the links below or visiting one of the public locations listed in the Notice of Availability of a Final Environmental Assessment (link below) to view a printed copy of the EA. Printed copies will be available for viewing until January 12, 2024. The scope of the proposed runway project, detailed in the EA document, would result in an increase of the primary runway length from 3,505' to 4,225'. No runway changes have been approved or scheduled to date.  

The final EA is available online below. The full EA document is a large file (over 3,600 pages) so the document has been split into smaller files to make downloading easier.

 Notice of Availability of a Final Environmental Assessment  (PDF)

​​Final EA 

Final EA Part 1  (PDF)

Final EA Part 2  (PDF)

Final EA Part 3  (PDF)

Final EA Part 4  (PDF)

Final EA Part 5  (PDF)

Final EA Part 6  (PDF)

Final EA Part 7  (PDF)

Final EA Part 8  (PDF)

Finding of No Significant Impact - Record of Decision  (PDF)

Final EA Appendices

Appendix A Section 163 Determination  (PDF)

Appendix B Airport Layout Plan  (PDF)

Appendix C Runway Justification Study  (PDF)

Appendix D Runway Protection Zone Analysis  (PDF)

Appendix E Early Agency Coordination  (PDF)

Appendix F Air Quality Analysis  (PDF)

Appendix G Biological Resources  (PDF)

Appendix H Farmland  (PDF)

Appendix I Hazardous Materials - Abridged Version  (PDF)

Appendix J Section 106 Report  (PDF)

Appendix K Wildlife Site Visit  (PDF)

Appendix L Noise Analysis  (PDF)

Appendix M Water Resources  (PDF)

Appendix N Past Public Comments and Responses  (PDF)

Appendix O Public Hearing & Public and Agency Involvement  (PDF)

Appendix P Public and Agency Comments on the Draft EA  (PDF)

Appendix Q Public Comments Received  (PDF)

Appendix R Agency Comments Received  (PDF)

Airport Capital Improvement Plan

The Ann Arbor Airport annually files a multi year AIP Capital Improvement Plan with the State of Michigan as required by the Federal Aviation Administration that shows projects being considered that are eligible for federal and state grant funding.  The most recent Plan is available by clicking on the link below.​

ACIP Summary 2023-2029 (PDF)

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