Image courtesy of SmithGroup
Site Description and History
309 S Ashley et al are city-owned lots on the northeast corner of Ashley and William. This 53,288 SF (1.22-acre) site is currently a 143-space surface parking lot managed by the DDA as a paid lot. Additional public parking is provided on-street, on the surface lot at First and William, and in the 4th and William Structure two blocks to the east. There are 3,533 off-street and 427 on-street parking spaces within a 1/4 mile of the site. Key adjacent uses include the Main St and Liberty St businesses and the William St bike lane.
The site is currently zoned D1, Downtown Core District. D1 zoning allows for a maximum of 180 feet and a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 900% with affordable housing premiums. The development is subject to secondary street frontage requirements and Main Street Character Overlay District. Due to the large scale of the site, one goal of this process is to come to a greater consensus around the site and building strategy and explore impacts to the urban fabric. Future development could take the form of one or more buildings, with a variety of on-site and off-site parking strategies. All options would retain the service alley behind Main St.
The City is considering the following objectives for redevelopment:
- Maximize affordable housing units below 60% AMI
- Maximize market rate housing units
- Develop a mix of housing unit types and prices
- Activate the ground floor for public benefit
- Provide parking on site
- Maintain some City ownership/control
- Appropriately scale down to the west and/or Main Street
Project History
- November 18, 2019: R-19-517 directed the City Administrator to work with the DDA to conduct a community engagement process around the optimal development options in support of affordable housing
- April 19, 2021: AAHC shares results of community engagement process with City Council
- July 1, 2024: R-24-279 endorses the use of a broker for the sale and development of the site
Next Steps: The consultant team, in coordination with the DDA will finalize the downtown parking assessment that is currently underway but is difficult to complete until post-COVID normalization.