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Staff Directory

​​​​​​Main phone ​line at 734.794.6720, and then dial the extension. For Emergency Maintenance requests during non-business hours, dial 734.794.6720 extension 2.


Executiv​e Direct​or

Jennifer Hall,, x47201​ 

Deputy Directors 

Weneshia Brand, wrbrand@a2g​​, x47203​

Beth Yaroch,, x47206

​Construction Project Manger

Tom Pierce, ​, x47246

Planning Specialist

Arin Yu, ​​, x47244​

Finance Director

Ulli Raak,, x47204

Information Technology Support

John Moje,​​, x47257​​

Financial Analyst

Teresa Calvert,, x47205​​​​​

Accounting​ ​Specialists

Steve Dersnah,​ x47248

Kim Kachur,​, x47245

Courtney Cox,, x47272​

Christine Nader,​ ​

Administrative Assistants

Shariah Ashford,​, x47222

Terrance Heiligh,, x47226​

Amya Gray,, x47222​​​​​

Dominique Wagner,, x47207

Compliance & Property Specialists

Brookanne Maitland,, x47397​

LaTonya Brown,, x47224 

Makia Slaughter,, x47219

Marilyn Watson-White,, x47221​

​​​Lurie Terrace Staff ​

Lisa Lavan,, x47207​​​

Peter Dietrich,, x47273

Rich Wilson,, x47272​

Family Self-Sufficiency Program 

FSS/Supportive Services Coordin​​ators: 

​Wade Smith,, x47209​

HCV and Affordable Housing Waiting List 

Occupancy​/Waitlist Specialist: 

Tierra Clark-Moon,, x47230​

Voucher Program Managers​:

Misty Hendershot,, x47212

​Mindy Van Huffel​,, x47399

V​oucher Occupa​ncy Specialists 

Curtis Morris,, x47216

Angela Killom,, x47215

Jacqueline Williams,, x47217​

Katrisha Kelly,, x47311

Patricia Butler,, x47211

Robin Hester,, x47213

Sharice Miller,, x47228

Stacie Vinson,, x47210​

Facility​​ ​Manager 

TJ Irvine,, x47229​

Maintenance Technicians

Eric Sexton

Gregg Walker​​

Kristina Hudson

Tom Leach

Joe Kennedy

Steve Reynolds

Jabari O'Neal

Brandon Charlebois

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