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Barton-Bandemer Pedestrian Tunnel Construction and Public Access Restrictions Begin Week of March 24, 2025

An essential connection for the Border to Border (B2B) Trail in Washtenaw County is coming soon. The City of Ann Arbor is announcing work will begin the week of March 24, 2025, to construct a pedestrian tunnel beneath the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) railroad operated by Amtrak. The project will connect Bandemer Park and Barton Nature Area, on the city’s northwest side. 

The city is partnering with Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission and the county’s non-profit partner, Huron Waterloo Pathways Initiative (HWPI), on this project to extend the B2B Trail westward through Barton Nature Area. The pedestrian tunnel will connect the new segment of the B2B Trail in Barton Nature Area — which was completed in summer 2024 — with the existing B2B Trail network in Bandemer Park and more than 20 miles to the east. 

Construction, anticipated for completion in fall 2025, will also bring about the following access restrictions the public should be aware of. The Barton-Bandemer map on the project webpage provides additional detail:

  • No access is permitted within the construction site. 
  • The gravel parking lot off Huron River Drive and the pedestrian bridge connecting Huron River Drive to Barton Nature Area are both closed for the duration of construction. 
  • There will be a pedestrian detour in Bandemer Park around the construction site.
  • A 48-hour railroad track outage is anticipated for June 3–4, during which the vehicle bridge into Bandemer Park from Barton Drive will be closed to traffic.
  • Equipment and construction traffic will access the site off Huron River Drive and from Bandemer Park and may cause temporary traffic delays.

Visitors to the area are asked to comply with the posted signage, barriers and other noted access restrictions. A reminder, crossing of the railroad track is illegal (unless where signage indicates otherwise). The city also notes there is also a potential for noise in the area from equipment.

"Currently, there is no safe and legal connection for pedestrians and bicyclists between the B2B Trail in Bandemer Park and Barton Nature Area or Huron River Drive,” said Ann Arbor Parks & Recreation Capital Project Manager Hillary Hanzel. “The pedestrian tunnel will provide that important connection and a safe pedestrian and bicycle gateway for the city.” The B2B Trail is planned to connect Ann Arbor to the parks and communities further to the west, including Delhi and Dexter.

In addition to a new pedestrian tunnel, other aspects of this project will include pathway connections to the tunnel; renovation to the parking lot off Huron River Drive; and a public art installation on the new tunnel's interior.

Funding for the Barton-Bandemer Pedestrian Tunnel project comes from the city, the county parks and recreation commission and HWPI. Each organization is responsible for 1/3 of the cost of the project. For the city’s portion of the costs, funding is available from the Park Maintenance and Capital Improvement Millage, which Ann Arbor residents voted to renew in 2024 for another 20 years. A portion of the county’s funding is from the four-year county-wide road and trails millage that was recently renewed by voters in 2024. HWPI’s portion of the project costs are funded by a grant from the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation and generous donations from other private donors.

Updates, as available, will be posted on the City of Ann Arbor Facebook page, NextDoor (for city residents) and on the project website.

The city thanks all for their patience during this construction project.

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Media Contact:

Hillary Hanzel, Landscape Architect, Capital Project Manager, 734.794.6230 ext. 42548  |


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