Natural Area Preservation August Events

Archived News Release: July 1, 2024 - City of Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation (NAP) works to protect and restore Ann Arbor's natural areas and to foster an environmental ethic within the community. This involves conducting plant and animal inventories, ecological monitoring, and stewardship projects in Ann Arbor's parks. These tasks are performed by both staff and volunteers. NAP also offers environmental education and enrichment activities for kindergarten- fifth-grade students (K-5), seniors and the general public. NAP is sharing events planned for August 2024.
To attend an event, participants are encouraged to preregister using VolunteerHub at; registration links to each event in VolunteerHub are also provided with each description.
K-5 Forest Fridays
Seeking Snakes
Friday, Aug. 2
4:30-6 p.m.
Dolph Nature Area
Learn about Michigan snakes, what they're doing during the summer and take a (hilly) 1-mile hike on and off trail to try to spot some! Remember to wear your closed-toe shoes and long pants! Meet at the parking lot off Wagner Road. For K-5 students accompanied by an adult. Please dress to be prepared for weather. Trails at this park are unpaved and the group will briefly go off trail. Preregistration through VolunteerHub is required. NAP uses VolunteerHub to manage participant waivers — please create individual accounts for each child. (Adults can use their own email address for child accounts.) Feel free to call NAP for assistance, 734.794.6627.
Stewardship Workday
Bird Hills Nature Area
Saturday, Aug. 3
9 a.m.–noon
One of Ann Arbor's most beloved natural areas — and the largest Ann Arbors park — Bird Hills can give you that feeling of being immersed in nature. Named for the Bird family (but one could hardly be blamed for thinking it's because of the many, many amazing bird species that can be found here), this hilly park overlooks the oxbow of the Huron River. Spend a shady Sunday removing invasive plants alongside other volunteers. Meet at the entrance on Bird Road, west of Huron River Drive (additional parking in Barton Nature Area, dam entrance). Depending on weather and site conditions, volunteers will pull weeds from the ground by hand or cut shrubs using hand tools. Workday sites have unpaved trails and require going off trail. Preregister through VolunteerHub so NAP can plan on enough staff and supplies for a safe and successful event. For your safety, wear long pants, tall socks and closed-toe shoes. All minors should be accompanied by a guardian. More information: How to prepare for a NAP workday (PDF).
K-5 Nature Crafts
Build a Bug
Wednesday, Aug. 7
3-4:30 p.m.
Island Park Shelter A
Learn about local bugs and build your own out of catalpa tree bean pods. Meet at Island Park shelter A, the first shelter you'll see when arriving at the park. For K-5 students accompanied by an adult. Please dress to be prepared for all weather. Some trails at this park are unpaved and the group will briefly go off trail. Preregistration through VolunteerHub is required. NAP uses VolunteerHub to manage participant waivers — please create individual accounts for each child. (Adults can use their own email address for child accounts). Feel free to call NAP for assistance, 734.794.6627.
Nature Walk with AADL
Meet Your Parks: Prairie Parade!
Saturday, Aug. 10
10-11:30 a.m.
Ruthven Nature Area
Join Natural Area Preservation (NAP) and Ann Arbor District Library (AADL) for a nature walk at Ruthven Nature Area! The second Saturday of the month, explore a new park and discover who lives there by focusing on local animals, trees, birds, insects, flowers and more! These walks will be led by a representative from Natural Area Preservation. Meet at the Gallup boat launch parking lot, at the southeast corner of Huron Parkway and Geddes Road. Open to all ages; children must be accompanied by an adult. Please come prepared to hike for a mile or two on uneven terrain, rain or shine. Ground nesting bees can live in prairies, so this walk is not recommended for folks with allergies to stinging insects. The trail may be muddy, please wear appropriate footwear.
Stewardship Workday
Gallup Wet Prairie
Sunday, Aug. 11
9 a.m.–noon
Wetlands are vitally important to our communities … and our planet! A unique wetland, called a wet prairie, lies alongside the Border-to-Border Trail at Gallup Park. Home to several rare plant species, the sensitive wet prairie needs lots of support from human hands to keep invasive plants from intruding and taking over. Don't let that description scare you — this work is for any willing volunteer who can put on some wellies and pull some weeds — NAP will teach you everything you need to know. It's easy and fun! Meet in the Gallup Park parking lot, just over the wooden bridge. Depending on weather and site conditions, volunteers will pull weeds from the ground by hand or cut shrubs using hand tools. Workday sites have unpaved trails and require going off trail. The Gallup wet prairie requires work in particularly wet areas with dense vegetation. Preregister through VolunteerHub so NAP can plan on enough staff and supplies for a safe and successful event. For your safety, wear long pants, tall socks and closed-toe shoes. All minors should be accompanied by a guardian. More information: How to prepare for a NAP workday (PDF).
Stewardship Workday
Kuebler Langford Nature Area
FRIDAY, Aug. 23
9 a.m.–noon
Since the time of its acquisition, Kuebler Langford has been a park of importance to the people of Ann Arbor. As this natural area continues to recover from top-soil removal and compaction from the 1970's, we are left with areas of stunning prairie and forests. Because Kuebler Langford was fought for and won by the people of Ann Arbor, it is a wonderful feeling to contribute to the ongoing effort to bring health and beauty back to this natural area. Meet at the Beechwood entrance off of Sunset Road. Depending on weather and site conditions, volunteers will pull weeds from the ground by hand or cut shrubs using hand tools. Workday sites have unpaved trails and require going off trail. Preregister through VolunteerHub so NAP can plan on enough staff and supplies for a safe and successful event. For your safety, wear long pants, tall socks and closed-toe shoes. All minors should be accompanied by a guardian. More information: How to prepare for a NAP workday (PDF).
More about Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation (NAP)
A unit of Ann Arbor Parks & Recreation, NAP is responsible for the care and maintenance of 1,400 acres of natural areas across the park system. NAP's annual operating budget is approximately $1.1 million and is entirely funded through the Park Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage, which expires in 2024. Ann Arbor voters will decide whether to continue to support the principal funding source for park system capital improvements, repairs and restoration programs as the 20-year Park Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage is set to appear on the Nov. 5 General Election ballot. Learn more about the millage at Neighborhood groups and community organizations interested in scheduling a parks informational presentation, and anyone with questions, can contact
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Natural Area Preservation
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