- Ashcombe Dr
- Carrot Way
- St Regis Way
- Bunker Hill Rd
- Hayward St
- Burbank Dr
- Pointe Ln
- Tuebingen Pkwy
- N Spurway Dr
- Briarcliff St
- Bristol Ridge Dr
- Birchwood Dr
- Turnaround
- Traver Blvd
- Southwick Ct
- Lake Lila Ln
- Corston Rd
- Barclay Way
- Meadowridge Ct
- Ardenne Dr
- Access
- Strand Ct
- Havre St
- Dhu Varren Rd
- Antietam Dr
- Roundabout
- McIntyre Dr
- Aurora St
- Burlington St
- Plymouth Rd
- Georgetown Blvd
- Green Rd
- Placid Way
- Huron Pkwy
- Leslie Park Dr
- N Foxridge Ct
- Hubbard St
- Bigfork Dr
- Pinebluff Ct
- Traver Rd
- Pontiac Trl
- Bluett Dr
- Devon Cir
- Nixon Rd
- Hayster Dr
- Sandalwood Cir
- Yorktown Dr
- S Knightsbridge Cir
- Indian Creek Cir
- Dillon Dr
- Bolgos Cir
- Upland Dr
- Kingston Dr
- Purley Ave
- Windwood Dr
- Murfin Ave
- Cram Cir
- Haverhill Ct
- Ardley Ave
- Canyon Ct
- Broadway St
- Whitetail Run Ct
- Erie Dr
- Millbury Ln
- Ashburnam Rd
- Roseford Blvd
- Baits Dr
- Trenton Ct
- Featherstone Ct
- S Foxridge Ct
- Leslie Park Cir
- Beal Ave
- Willowtree Ln
- Pointe Crossing St
- Maitland Dr
- Green Ct
- Bluett Rd
- Meade Ct
- S Spurway Dr
- Paradise Way
- Earl Schafer Ct
- Foxway Dr
- Hickory Point Dr
- Omlesaad Dr
- Baileys Trl
- Renfrew St
- Traverwood Dr
- Kilburn Park Cir
- Lakehurst Ct
- Shirley Ln
- Eastbury Ct
- Cedarbrook Rd
- Cromwell Rd
- Gettysburg Rd
- Hideaway Ln
- Cromwell Ct
- Earlmoore Ln
- Carl Ct
- Colley Ln
- Prairie St
- Lakehurst Ln
- Lexington Dr
- Winter Garden Ct
- Access Rd
- Aldwych Cir
- Hunley Dr
- Yellowstone Dr
- Leslie Cir
- Diamond Dr
- Foxway Ct
- Montana Way
- Lancashire Dr
- Bishop St
- Nadia Ct
- N Knightsbridge Cir
- Birchwood Ct
- Osage Dr
- Paradise Ct
- Northwick Ct
- Idlewild Ct
- Argonne Dr
- Ridington Rd
- Cram Pl
- Buckhorn Ct
- Leaird Dr
- Dunwoodie Rd
- Eagle Ct
- Gilbert Ct
- Whisperwood Dr
- Commonwealth Blvd
- Sheffield Ct
- Michelle Ct
- Crystal Way
- Aughton Rd
- Somerset Ct
- Polson St
- Mallard Ct
- Shefman Ter
- Broadview Ln
- Cedar Bend Dr
- Prairie Ct
- Bayswater Ln
- Fairhaven Ct
- Brackley Dr
- Redland Ct
- Elsinore Ct
- Rathmore Ln
- Bateson Ct
- Westbury Ct
- Tapio Cir
- Rumsey Dr
- Sunton Rd
- Fawnmeadow Ct
- Spring Hollow Ct
- Arden Rd
- Hardwick Rd
- Rayfield Ave
- Tamarack Ct
- Burlington Ct
- Duffield St
- Shamrock Ct
- Stoke Way
- Richmond Ct
- Timbercrest Ct
- Woodhaven Ct
- Otter Creek Ct
- Deer Creek Ct
- Alton Ct
- Harbal Dr
- Falcon Ct
Precautionary Boil Water Advisory Issued for Ann Arbor Residents in the Area of Northeast Ann Arbor Around Plymouth Road

As a precautionary measure, the City of Ann Arbor is issuing a boil water advisory until further notice for the area north of Plymouth Road from Traver Road to US-23 due to two water main breaks that occurred around Plymouth Road between Green and Huron Parkway on the morning of Monday, March 17, 2025. A detailed map of the area impacted is available.
There is no evidence of contamination of the water system, and the city is issuing this boil water advisory as a precautionary measure until further notice. This includes water used for brushing teeth, making ice, washing raw foods, and preparing drinks, as well as water for pets. Water used for bathing, laundry and lawn irrigation does not need to be boiled. The boil water alert is anticipated to be lifted within 48 hours.
The water should be boiled for at least one minute and allowed to cool in a covered container. Bottled water can be used as an alternative. More information on boil water alerts, along with tips to follow, can be found at https://www.a2gov.org/water-treatment-plant/alerts/boil-water-notifications/.
Updated: All lanes of Plymouth Road have been reopened to traffic between Huron Parkway and Green.
The city will provide any updates as they become available at www.a2gov.org and on social media — Facebook; NextDoor; X (Twitter): @A2GOV; subscribe to email updates.
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Media Contact Information
Lisa Wondrash, Communications Director lwondrash@a2gov.org