Registration for City of Ann Arbor FreeTree Giveaway Opens March 15
The City of Ann Arbor Office of Sustainability and Innovations (OSI) is announcing the upcoming 10,000 Trees Initiative 2025 FreeTree Giveaway. Residents of Washtenaw County are invited to register to pick up one to four tree seedlings, free of charge, to take home and plant on their property. The FreeTree pickup day is Saturday, April 19, at Allen Elementary School (2560 Towner Blvd.). Time slots can be selected during registration. Registration is required and opens on Saturday, March 15, at https://osi.a2gov.org/FreeTree25. Supplies are limited. The city notes that this has been a popular program in past years and urges those interested to register as soon as possible on March 15 for the best chance to reserve their trees.
All trees will be small, bare-root seedlings that will fit easily inside most vehicles. Registrants will be able to select their tree species during registration. Available species include White Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida), Northern Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis), Shagbark Hickory (Carya ovata), Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa), Eastern White Oak (Quercus alba), Pawpaw (Asimina triloba), Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis), and Serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis). Additional information about these species is available at www.a2gov.org/10ktrees. Tree planting and care information will be provided with every tree.
Volunteers are welcome! Anyone interested in volunteering can learn more about the opportunity and sign up at https://osi.a2gov.org/FreeTreeVolunteer.
The city extends special thanks to the Washtenaw County Conservation District for partnering with the 10,000 Trees Initiative to purchase the trees available at this giveaway event. Additional trees and native plants can be purchased through the Conservation District's Tree and Native Plant Sales. Learn more at https://www.washtenawcd.org/. The city also thanks Ann Arbor Public Schools for providing the location to host this event.
To learn more about the 10,000 Trees Initiative, visit www.a2gov.org/10ktrees or email Sean Reynolds, OSI senior analyst, at sreynolds@a2gov.org. To learn more about the city’s A2ZERO carbon neutrality plan, which supports the 10,000 Trees Initiative and dozens of other programs to advance the city’s goal of achieving a just transition to community-wide carbon neutrality by 2030, visit www.a2zero.org.
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Media Contact
Sean Reynolds, Senior Analyst, Ann Arbor Office of Sustainability and Innovations, sreynolds@a2gov.org