Do you want to propose a park improvement or special project?
The Ann Arbor park system is large and diverse with 162 park properties entailing over 2,100 acres of park land. Park land is public land for the use and enjoyment of all while the maintenance, operations and rules of use are guided and implemented by parks and recreation staff. Staff are responsible for carrying out the policies and ordinances established by the Parks Advisory Commission and our city council. Staff also respond to the requests and desires of our community. Of course, we wouldn't be government if we didn't have procedures, protocols and processes to follow! These help ensure the project goes through an appropriate review process and involves community and relevant staff.
With that said, GIVE 365 and the Adopt-a-Park program thrive on community engagement and welcome community suggestions, ideas and donations! If you have an idea for something that relates to a park and believe this can benefit the community, Adopt-a-Park offers a starting point. Whether it's simple or complex, we ask you to review the Special Park Project Guide (PDF 243KB) and reach out with questions to adopt-a-park@a2gov.org or call 734.794.6445.
If you are interested in donating a tree to a city park, please refer to our Tree Donation Guide and Application (PDF 146KB) and send a completed application to adopt-a-park@a2gov.org or 1519 Fuller Rd. Email or call 734.794.6445 with questions.
Visit the Donate to Parks page for information about donating a memorial bench or other items to Ann Arbor Parks and Recreation.
Scout Projects
We welcome ideas and inquiries from scouts regarding projects such as Eagle Scout Projects or Girl Scout Gold Awards. The process to propose a project will look similar to our special park project proposal process and will require our Special Park Project Guide (PDF 243KB ) to be completed. The project must follow city and department policies, as well as match park needs and priorities.
Scouts may reach out to inquire with staff about park needs but are encouraged to visit parks and consider potential projects based on observations. After a potential project is identified in collaboration between the scout and staff, the scout will be responsible for doing the necessary research and planning to complete the Special Park Project Guide and provide information such as design details, implementation steps, longterm maintenance, budget, supplies, and more. Staff can provide guidance regarding details such as city policies and available resources. After this proposal is received from the scout, there will be an internal staff review process to seek approval for the project, which takes at least two weeks and up to several months depending on the scope and nature of the project. Resources to support the project may be available including limited funding, supplies and supplemental volunteer help.
Email adopt-a-park@a2gov.org or call 734.794.6445 to inquire about potential scout projects and to learn more about the proposal process. We look forward to hearing your ideas!