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Special Park Projects

​​​​​​​​​​​​Adopt-a-Park has partnered with many residents and park adopters to implement special park projects. These are resident driven projects that followed the proposal process outlined in the Special Park Project Guide​ (PDF 243KB). Most of these special park projects were required to submit ​a written proposal to seek city approval, in order to ensure that it aligned with park priorities, needs and city policies and ordinances established by the Parks Advisory Commission and our City Council. All work that is performed within Adopt-a-Park is guided by the needs and priorities established by the program and the Parks and Recreation Department, in conjunction with the policies and protocols in place for stewarding public park land.

Check out some of our past special park projects below and access their associated PDF links for more details. Email​ or call 734.794.6445 with any questions about these projects. If you are interested in proposing an idea, visit the Proposing a Special Park Project​ page for more information.

​We sincerely appreciate the residents of Ann Arbor and our surrounding communities who provide creative ideas, dedicate their time and take an active interest in proposing and implementing the changes that they want to see in their city parks!

Winewood Thaler Park Path 2021

A park neighbor reached out in fall 2021 with interest in expanding the footpath through Winewood Thaler Park​'s small wooded area, see map​. After significant concerns were not raised internally, a public survey was hosted for two weeks in November to gauge neighborhood support. After reviewing the survey results, there is not sufficient support for the path additions. Therefore at this time Adopt-a-Park will not move forward with this project. View the survey results (PDF 94KB) with identifiable information redacted.


​​​1519 Fuller Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105



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