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Park Planning

G​allup Pedestrian and Vehicle Bridge Pr​o​ject

Hillary Hanzel
Landscape Architect/Park Planner | 734.794.6230 x42548

Ann Arbor Farmers Market Office Demolition

The market office building is closed to both staff and the public at this time. The farmers market will remain open during the tear down, with staff working out of a temporary trailer located in the market parking lot. The market will soon be experiencing disruptions to normal parking availability. The farmers market office building is scheduled to be demolished between mid-March and late-April 2025. During the demolition process, the parking lot will be closed in two different configurations, with more parking available on Saturday and Sunday market days, and less parking available on non-market days.

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Demolition site

Park Planner & Landscape Architect
Adam Fercho
​734.794.6230 ext. 42549

For updates on the farmers market project


Why is this project being done?

​During routine inspections of the market, a gap was discovered between the market office and sidewalk. Staff engaged with a consultant to perform a forensic exploration to determine the cause of the gap. As a result, it was revealed the foundations of the building were compromised, making the building unsafe for long-term use. To provide safe conditions for both staff and the public, the building will need to be closed and demolished.

When is the farmers market office building being demolished? 

The office building was closed to staff and the public beginning on May 1, 2024. Demolition of the office building is expected to begin in the spring of 2025.

When was the farmers market office building originally built?

The office building was built in 1984, making it 40 years old. Because it is less than 50 years old, it is not considered a “historic” or “historically significant” building.​

What is the relationship between the farmers market office building ​demolition and the 121 Catherine St. housing project?​

The office building demolition and the construction of 121 Catherine St. are two separate projects operating independently of one another. Both projects are aware of each other and will coordinate when needed throughout the process. Please note that the 121 Catherine St. parking lot will be closed for the duration of that project. For more information on 121 Catherine St., please visit the 121 Catherine St.  webpage.

Weren’t the restrooms in the farmers market office building just renovated?

The restrooms in the office building received minor ADA upgrades in 2021 to make them more accessible. At the time the restrooms were updated, it was unknown that the building’s foundation was compromised.​

Next Steps:

While the demolition of the office building is unplanned, the community has been presented with a unique opportunity to re-envision the future of the farmers market. Following the demolition of the market office building, we will be embarking on a study of the market, looking holistically at the farmers market site, allowing us to plan and make decisions that will support the future of Ann Arbor’s Farmers Market. Our study will involve extensive community engagement, taking into account the needs and wants of the community, market vendors and stakeholders. This process is anticipated to start later this year.


For historical information on the construction and opening of the market office in 1984, click here.

Ann Arbor PROS Plan 2023-2027

The 2023-2027 Parks and Recreation Open Space (PROS) Plan was adopted by City Council on Jan. 9, 2023. To view and read the plan:

2023-27 PROS Plan approved plan, 15 MB (PDF)
2023-27 PROS Plan approved plan, 40MB (PDF)

The PROS Plan is the City's vision for parks and recreation in Ann Arbor. The Plan:

  • provides an list of existing parks and facilities
  • describes the relationship between 
    • the park and recreation system
    • surrounding municipalities
    • recreation providers
  • identifies park and recreation needs
  • proposes major capital improvements for existing and new parks
  • fosters assessment of major issues and problems 
  • sets priorities for the next five years
  • sets goals and objectives that reach further into the future

The plan provides background information while charting system needs that may qualify for state and federal grant funding. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) requires that those applying for recreation grants have a current plan on file. It is also required by MDNR to update that plan every five years.

West Park Bandshell Project

Park Planner
Adam Fercho
​734.794.6230   ext. 42549​

For updates on the West Park Bandshell Project

Why is this project being done?

In the Spring of 2021, cracks were observed on the exterior of the bandshell foundation. Ann Parks & Recreation staff hired a consultant – Hubbell, Roth and Clark Inc. (HRC) – to perform a structural analysis on the structure. The structural report​ identified significant structural failures in the foundation. It was determined that the bandshell needed to be closed and fenced off from the community for safety reasons. Preliminary estimates put repair of the structure at over $2 million. Park planners and staff have spent a year behind the scenes working to develop a plan for the future of the bandshell. Due to the nature of the bandshell and the resources required for repair, it is important to get community involvement and feedback as we move forward. For that reason a consultant – SmithGroup – has been hired to assist in developing a comprehensive community engagement strategy. Throughout this fall and winter the community will have many opportunities to weigh-in and provide feedback on the West Park Bandshell project.

June 2024

A presentation was given to the Parks Advisory Commission, May 21, 2024. See it here​ or read the latest updates (PDF).

 Watch the informational video: A public meeting was hosted Monday, Sept. 11 to share with the community the scope of the project and provide details on how you can become involved in the process going forward. Watch it here.

Watch the presentation to the Parks Advisory Committee (PAC): ​City staff presented to the Parks Advisory Committee (PAC) on Tuesday, Nov. 21 as a quick summary on the first round of the West Park Bandshell engagement. Watch the presentation here. The consultant and city staff are currently fully analyzing the first round of engagement. Future meetings will be scheduled for early next year in 2024. Thank you to everyone for your participation in this first round of engagement!.


Barton-Bande​mer Pedestrian Tunne​l/B2B Trail

Hillary Hanzel
Landscape Architect/Park Planner | 734.794.6230 x42548

​​South Maple​ Park Ga​me Courts

Park Planner
Adam Fercho,
​734.794.6230 x42549​

Current Engagement Opportunities

​​Watch a project video​

South Maple Park Page

​​​Learn more about South Maple Park including details about its amenities, access, parking and special features on its webpage​.

Buhr Park Ice Arena improvement project

An info session was held Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2023 on the Buhr Park Ice Arena Improvement Project. The scope of the work includes mechanical system upgrades and accessibility upgrades. If you did not have a chance to attend the session you can view the presentation here. Planned improvements include replacing the outdated chiller unit and making accessibility upgrades. Parks has applied for a Land and Water Conservation Fund grant to help fund the project. If you have any questions, please contact Adam Fercho, Park Planner & Landscape Architect at​


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