Natural Area Preservation News
Protecting and restoring Ann Arbor's natural areas and fostering an environmental ethic among its citizens.
Volume 18, Number 4
Winter 2013
In this Issue:
The Complex Story of Greenview Park; Past, Present, and Future
by Dana Wloch
Coordinator's Corner: Happy Birthday to NAP!
Volunteers of the Score
Although thousands of people have volunteered with NAP in the past 20 years (a “score”), these volunteers and groups deserve some special recognition! Just a few ways volunteers of the score have contributed to NAP:
- Volunteered an outstanding number of hours in the field, or in the NAP office
- Recruited volunteers who worked an extraordinary number of combined hours
- Lead volunteers who worked a monumental number of combined hours
- Monitored a significant number of hours for salamanders, frogs, turtles, or birds
- Effected a remarkable impact on NAP’s restoration and education efforts
- Mentored, advised, or inspired NAP’s volunteers and staff
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Quentin Turner, Adopt-A-Park Coordinator
My background with community involvement began by working in the volunteer center of Eastern Michigan University, where I coordinated environmentally focused service opportunities for students with local organizations including NAP. My passion for community service, social justice, and native ecosystems has taken me across the country and as far away as New Zealand. I am excited to use my knowledge and skills to work with Ann Arbor’s passionate park adopters.
Ashley Craig, Field Crew
In 2012 I volunteered with NAP in hopes of gaining local ecological knowledge and field experience. I am happy to say I now have the opportunity to work with the NAP crew through the 2013 fall and winter season. Not only have my experiences as an intern this summer proven invaluable, but working here is a constant reminder of why I have chosen biology as a field of study. Improving the world around us is something everyone should strive for. Lucky for me that's all we do!
- Greg Bowlby - Dolph Nature Area
- Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity
- Concordia University
- EMU Cirlce K
- FedEx Ann Arbor
- Girls Group Summer Employment Program
- Greenhills School Seventh Graders
- KT’s Trails Running Group
- Michigan Community Scholars Program
- Skyline Interact
- Toyota Boshoku American
- UM American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
- UM Indian American Student Association
- UM Law School
- UM Rotaract
- UM Theta Xi
- YMCA Youth Volunteer Corps