Each year we ask volunteers to spend the winter getting to know Michigan frog and toad calls. They go out in the field and familiarize themselves with the parks, then they attend our Frog and Toad Survey kickoff to learn how to record their observations and hone their skills. Surveying is done three to six times from the early spring through early summer at multiple sites, and each visit starts after sunset when the frogs begin to call. No previous experience is necessary.
Check our Volunteer Stewardship Calendar for survey kickoff and training events.
Learn more about Ann Arbor's Frogs and Toads.
The state Department of Natural Resources also has information on Michigan's frogs and toads, here:
To learn frog and toad calls, go to http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/frogquiz/.
Tina Stephens,
Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator
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