A pair of newts (Notophthalmus viridescens), male and female, that
were caught in a trap. Note also the little dip net the children were
using to catch small pond animals.
Did you know we have at least five species of salamanders in Ann Arbor? If you have identification experience and okay with getting muddy, you’re invited to help monitor population and habitat health. Surveying is done three to six times in early spring at multiple sites, and each round is a few hours. New participants must attend the annual training.
Check our Volunteer Stewardship Calendar for survey kickoff and training events.
Learn more about Ann Arbor's salamanders by visiting our Ann Arbor amphibians pages.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources also has information about our state's salamanders.
Spend this winter getting to know the area’s salamanders and habitat. Go out in the field and get to know the parks when you can. Then, come to the kickoff and learn how to record your observations and hone your skills.
Tina Stephens,
Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator
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