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Park Rental

  • Office Closed: Tues. Feb. 18 - Thurs. Feb. 20 due to floor refinishing. 
  • The 2025 rental season will begin on Monday April 21, 2025. 
  • Bicentennial Park is scheduled to receive new amenities and park improvements in 2025 and as a result, rentals of the shelter and park space are suspended until further notice.  Please continue to check this website for updates.     
Ann Arbor Parks & Recreation has many rental opportunities in our parks. The various park locations listed below highlight shelters and other regularly-rented used spaces. From mid-April to mid-October, nearly all of the park shelters are rented on the weekends and most weekdays. 
Please remember, all rental requests must be made at least 7 days in advance of the requested dateWe will not issue park permits less than 7 days in advance of the rental date. Refer to Chapter 39 of the City of Ann Arbor Code of Ordinances for park regulations and rules. More information about refunds and rescheduling park rentals is available at park rental refund policies (PDF) and found on park permits and park receipts.  
To make a reservation and receive a park permit, call the Parks Customer Service office Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Leave a voicemail if you don't reach us, and we will return your call.   
Phone:  734.794.6230 x0 

Park Shelter Rentals

Park Shelter Rental Fees

The following fees apply to all Ann Arbor park picnic ​shelters. These do not appl​y to indoor meeting rooms or open park space permits which have separate rental fees. 

​​Weekday Fees (Monday-Thursday) ​​​​Weekend Fees (Friday-Sunday. Full day only.)​​
​​Resident ​Non-resident ​Business ​​Resident ​Non-resident ​Business
​Half Day $55
​Full Day $93
​Half Day $70
Full Day $1​17
​Half Day $125
Full Day $250
​Full Day $150 Full Day $180​ ​Full Day $250​​

Park Shelters Available to Rent

Allmendinger Park Shelter
Allmendinger Park Shelter
Allmendinger Park Shelter (Interior)
Allmendinger Park Shelter (Interior)

Allmendinger Park Shelter

Located between the public restr​ooms. Small indoor room can be used for meetings or food and beverage set-up. Refrigerator and sink available for use. Key deposit required for entry.  Approximate capacity is 15 people.  Allmendinger Park is location at 655 Pauline Blvd, Ann Arbor MI 48​103. 

Bandemer Park Shelter
Bandemer Park Shelter
Bandemer Park Shelter

Bandem​er Park Shelter​ 

Small shelter located near fishing dock and fire circle.  Grills and compostable restrooms nearby.  Approximate capacity is 30 people. The picnic shelter and disc golf course at Bandemer Park are located at the entrance to the park at 2001 Whitmore Lake Road, Ann Arb​or MI 48105

Bicentennial Park Shelter
Bicentennial Park Shelter
Bicentennial Park Shelter
Bicentennial Park Shelter

Bicentennial Park - Shelter 

​As of Jan. 2025 - Bicentennial Park is tentatively scheduled to receive new amenities and park improvements in 2025 and as a result, rentals of the shelter and park space are suspended until further notice. Please continue to check this website for updates. 

Electricity available. Playground, grills, and restrooms nearby. Approximate capacity is 75 people. Bicentennial Park is located at ​​​2901 E. Ellsworth Road, Ann Arbor MI 48108. ​​​

Burns Park Shelter
Burns Park Shelter
Burns Park Shelter

​Burns Park Shelter

Indoor room with folding tables, chairs, refrige​rator, microwave and sink.  Requires a key deposit for entry.  Outdoor covered patio and grills nearby.  Approximate indoor capacity is 40 people. Burns Park is located at 1300 Baldwin Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104​

Gallup Park Maas Shelter
Gallup Park Maas Shelter
Gallup Park Maas Shelter

Gallup Park - Maas Shelter 

Closer to parking lot and playground; grills and compostable restrooms nearby.  No electricity available.  Approximate capacity is 50 people. Gallup Park is located at 3000 Fuller Road, Ann Arbo​r MI 48105. Please see the map of the park indicating which shelter is the Maas Shelter. 

Gallup Park Fast Shelter
Gallup Park Fast Shelter
Gallup Park Fast Shelter
Gallup Park Fast Shelter

Gallup Park - Fast Shelter 

Farthest from parking lot and playground.; grills and compostable restrooms nearby.  No electricity available.  Approximate capacity is 75 people. Gallup Park is located at 3000 Fuller Road, Ann Arbo​r MI 48105​. Please see the map of the park indicating which shelter is the Fast Shelter. 

Island Park Greek Revival Shelter
Island Park Greek Revival Shelter
Island Park Greek Revival Shelter
Island Park Greek Revival Shelter

Island Park - Greek Revival Shelter 

Small ​outdoor shelter with unique design commonly used for wedding ceremonies.  Accessible via a foot bridge.  No electricity.  No picnic tables in shelter, only outside nearby.  Approximate capacity is 20 people.  Island Park is located at 1420 Island Drive, Ann​ Arbor MI 48105​. Please reference the Island Park map for the location of the Greek Revival Shelter. 

Island Park Shelter A (Old)
Island Park Shelter A (Old)

Island Park Shelter A (Old)

First shelter when you enter the park. Closest to the foot bridge to the island.  No electricity available.  Approximate capacity is 40 people. Island Park is located at 1420 Island Drive, Ann​ Arbor MI 48105​. Please reference the Island Park map​ for the location of Island Park Shelter A.

Island Park Shelter B (New)
Island Park Shelter B (New)
Island Park Shelter B (New)

Island Park - Shelt​er B

Larger shelter in the back of the park.  Restrooms available. Electricity available.  A​pproximate capacity is 75 people.  Island Park is located at 1420 Island Drive, Ann​ Arbor MI 48105​. ​ Please reference the Island Park map​ for the location of Island Park Shelter B.​​

Olson Park Shelter
Olson Park Shelter
Olson Park Shelter
Olson Park Shelter

Olson Park - Shelter

Electricity available. Playground, grills, and compostable restrooms nearby.  Approximate capacity is 75 people. Olson Park is located at 1505 Dhu Varren Road  Ann Arbor, 48105​​. 

Additional​ Fees

The fees below may be applicable based on the specifics of each event. Not all fees apply; some may be refunded and others may be added as information is shared during the reservation process.

  • ​Alcohol Permit (allows beer and wine to be consumed) - $25 residents/$30 non-residents/$45 business
  • Electricity Connection Fee - $14
  • Hourly Electricity Fee - $3 per hour
  • ​Special Event Electricity -$50
  • ​Key Deposit -$50 (Refundable)
  • Additional People Fee - $6 per 25 people over 75
  • Cleaning Fee -$55​​​

​Park Space Fees

If an event is held at a park in an area other than a shelter, or if an event's footprint extends beyond a shelter area, a park space permit may be required.  Park space permits are charged as follows.

​​Park Space - Hourly (2 hr min.)​ ​​​​Resident Fee​​ ​​​​Non-resident Fee​​ ​​​​Business Fee​​
2-6 hours ​$25/hour ​$28/hour ​​$31/hour
​Each hour after 6 hours ​$20/hour ​$23/hour ​$26/hour

​​​Park Space rental options

Bandemer Park - Fire ​Circle

Small fire circle available for use and requires a park permit.  Park Space rental fees are applied.  Must notify Ann Arbor Fire Department with park permit number. No alcohol permitted.  Approximate capacity is 2​5 people.​

Hunt Park Shelter
Hunt Park Shelter

Hunt Park Shelter

Small outdoor overhang.  Restrooms available.  Approximate capacity is 15 people. Hunt Park is located at 1035 Daniel Street, Ann Arbor MI 48103​. ​​

Frequently Asked Quest​​i​on​s

How do I rent a park/get a park per​​mit for my event?

  • Contact Parks Customer Service at 734.794.6230 x 0 or at General inquiries and questions can be sent by email, but rentals must be made by phone. ​

Which parks can I rent/get a permit for?

  • ​Most Ann Arbor Parks can be rented depending on the details of your event.  Most Nature Areas cannot be rented. Please contact Parks Customer Service to check availability and whether a certain park can be used for your event. 

Which parts of a park can I rent/get a permit for? 

  • Most events will rent a picnic shelter to hold their event, but events can be held in other areas of a park with a park permit. Parks does not reserve playgrounds, game courts, individual picnic tables or grills. 

What does it cost to rent a park/get a park permit? 

​​What is the cancellation and refund policy?

When do I need to rent a space/get a park permit?

  • You may need to rent a space in a park or obtain a park permit if:
    • you have amplified sound
    • you have alcohol at your event
    • you have a bounce house
    • you have food trucks
    • your event is for an organization/club/business/etc.
    • your event is open to the public 


Can I have ________ at my event? 

  • a bounce house?
    • ​Yes, with a park permit and insurance covering the inflatable must be submitted to parks. 
  • food truck?
    • Yes, with a park permit and food trucks must park in marked parking spaces.
  • alcohol?
    • Yes, beer and wine are allowed at park shelters with an alcohol permit and a park permit.
  • music?
    • Yes, with a park permit.
  • a generator?
    • Yes, with a park permit.
  • tents? 
    • Yes, with a park permit.  Tents over 400 square feet also require a permit from the City's Building Department. 
  • a baseball/softball game?
    • ​Baseball/softball fields can be rented through the Ann Arbor Rec and Ed at 734.994.2300.
  • a fire pit?​​
    • No. Fire pits are not permitted to be brought into a park. Bandemer Park has a built-in fire pit available by reservation only. 

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