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City of Ann Arbor Employee CSA Program

​​​2024 City of Ann Arbor Employee CSA Program

​City of Ann Arbor Employee CSA program returns to Ann Arbor Farmers Market, with weekly pickup on Wednesdays June – October, with longer options available. ​If you have questions about the program, contact Market Manager Stefanie​ at​. Contact the farm directly for questions about a specific CSA share. 

What is a CSA or Farm share? A CSA, or 'community supported agriculture', is a subscription or farm membership to receive produce or other farm products on a regular basis. ​​It's a great way to connect with our local agricultural community, while also committing to eating more fruits and vegetables! Traditionally, CSA members pay a one time fee at the start of the season for a "share" of the crops that are grown. In return, the farm provides each member with fresh, locally grown produce each week (or fruit, flowers, prepared food, or meat). With the City Employee CSA program, you will receive a weekly box of local food love from your selected farm. Your CSA share also qualifies you for 1 Wellness Incentive Program credit. Check the Wellness page on UKG or contact for info.  

Four Ann Arbor Farmers Market farms will be participating this year. You may choose to sign up for any of their shares by following the Registration instructions in their description below to apply.

​Several other vendors offer CSA programs for pickup at our Saturday market or at their farms, so it's easy to find the right CSA for you! A full list of current CSA options is here: CSA Info 2024

​All Shares

Time: Pick up your box each week on Wednesday between 7am and 3pm. The program runs June – October. Each CSA share runs on a slightly different schedule, so you will be sent reminders for pickup dates depending on your individual membership with each farm.

Location: Boxes will be available for pickup at your selected farm's stall at the Wednesday Ann Arbor Farmers Market. If you have any questions, contact your farm directly or email the Market Manager at

Register: Follow instructions next to the farm name to register. Registrations due by May 1, 2024  

Share Box Options

Kapnick Orchards​ (fruit & vegetables)​ ​

Scott Robertello, 517.673.6927,

Register: ​Email your name, phone, email, large or small share, location pickup (farmers market), and payment preference to, or call the store 517.423.7419. You may pay by credit card over the phone, or mail payment to Kapnick Orchards 4245 Rogers Hwy Britton Mi. 49229. Please indicate if you call or mail in payments that it's for the City employee CSA program.

Price: Large share (family of 4+) $650. Small share (1-3 people) $350. (Price is for the entire season)

Time: June 4-September 24:​ 17 shares total. New 11 week Fall Share available this year October - December. 

Includes asparagus, strawberries, peas, cherries, potatoes, raspberries, blueberries, beans, peaches, plums, nectarines, apples, pears, grapes, cider, apple butter, winter squash. ​

Kapnick Orchards is a family farm operated in Britton, MI. 4 miles south of Tecumseh and 30 miles from Ann Arbor. Currently owned and operated by Bruce and Sharon Kapnick Schaffer & Scott Robertello. Kapnicks's was established by Robert & Gertrude Kapnick in the late 1930's. We are not an organic farm but we are very conscious of our environment and our growing practices. We practice I.P.M (integrated pest management) which means we do not spray on a weekly schedule. We only spray when there is a threat of significant injury to our crops. We use computer programs from Michigan State to determine the best time to spray to control a large group of pests at once to limit our applications. We are licensed by MDARD.​

Goetz Greenhouse LLC (vegetables)​

Holly Goetz, ​(419) 367-0269,

Register: Click Here to Register.  Write in 'City  employee CSA program-Farmers Market' under pickup location. ​Pay online or mail in check. 

Price: Full share (every week) $44​0. Half share (every other week) $240. Early bird discount of $15 if registered by May 1. 1 share will feed 2 people or 2 people and 2 small children.  A half share is good for 1 or 2 people.​ (Price is for the entire season)

Time: June – October: 22 shares total.

Includes asparagus, beans, beets, broccoli, brussels, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, muskmelon, onion, peas, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, shoots, spinach, summer squash, sweet potatoes, swiss chard, tomatoes, watermelon, winter squash, zucchini.

Our family has been stewards of the same land since 1905. In the late 1970's, our farm transitioned from grain and livestock to produce. Since that time we've been marketing our produce at farmer's markets including the Ann Arbor Farmers Market, Downtown Farmington Farmers Market and Chelsea Farmers Market. We also sell our produce at Argus Farm Stop and we have also been supplying fresh produce to several excellent restaurants including Zingerman's, Fresh Forage, and The Lunch Room. Three generations of our family provide the energy and expertise to operate our farm.

We believe the key to healthy produce is healthy soil. We work hard to incorporate cover crops, manure and compost into the soil. We also take pride in being good stewards of the land including preventing pollution to Lake Erie and providing habitat to pollinators. Our farm uses many organic practices. We favor vigorous cultivars and are continually trialing varieties to select those with optimum flavor and nutrition, the same way that​ good farmers have for generations.

Tantré Farm​​ (vegetables)

Deb Lentz, 734-475-4323, 

Register: ​​Click Here to Register. Under pickup location, choose City of AA Employees-Wednesday Farmers Market.

Price: Full share (every week) $675. A “share" feeds 2 people generously or a family of 4 with small children. We only offer Full Shares, but ask us about doing a Half Share (every other week) and we may be able to match you with someone. (Price is for the entire season)

Time: May 26 – September 28: 18 shares total.

There will be about 8-10 items in your share during the first 4 weeks depending on what is seasonally available.  You'll continue to receive more items as the season progresses, ranging from 8 to 16 items. Each week our goal is to provide 1 to 4 salad greens (lettuce, arugula, etc.), 1 to 4 cooking greens (collards, chard, kale, etc.), 1 to 4 root vegetables (carrots, potatoes, etc.), 1 to 4 fruiting vegetables (tomatoes, corn, squash, etc.), 1 or 2 alliums (onions, garlic, etc.), 1 to 3 brassicas (broccoli/cabbage family), and 1 or 2 herbs (basil, parsley, etc.). Tantré has an Extended Fall CSA share available for 4 weeks in October as well as a Thanksgiving Share.

Tantré Farm has been a small family farm since 1993, using ecological and sustainable practices for all aspects of farming. We are located about 20 miles west of Ann Arbor and 20 miles east of Jackson. Our fruit crops include strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, pears, melons, and more depending on the fruit weather. We grow about 80 to 100 varieties of vegetables, mushrooms,  and a small variety of herbs and flowers. In addition to that, we have a couple of dogs, some cats, egg laying chickens and ducks, a few pigs, and a small herd of dairy and beef cattle. We sell our produce through CSA shares, at various local stores, restaurants, and also at the Ann Arbor and Chelsea Farmers Markets. Our farmland has grown to about 115 acres of wetland, woods, and sandy-loam fields. Richard and Deb, along with their daughter Ariana, live on-site year-round. Seasonal workers or interns join them for various parts of the year, living and working together .

Green Things Farm Collective​ 

Hannah Rose Weber​, 734-772-1418​​​,​

Register:  Click Here to Register Pickup at Wednesday Farmers Market.

Price: Spring Share: ​$247.50 Summer Share: $376.50. Fall Share: $630. Smaller-sized shares, Salad Clubs, U-Pick Flower Share, & Beef Share also available.​

Time: 6 week Spring Share: May 22-June 29. 10 Week Summer Share: July 10-September 7. 15 week Fall Share: September 11-December 19. 

Summer is the best time to eat in Michigan! We grow a huge diversity of crops during these months including tomatoes, herbs, lettuces, peas, greens, carrots, beets, peppers, and so much more! The summer share offers our most bountiful produce which has been curated and pre-packed by us. Each week's share will generally include a few leafy greens, a few summer favorites such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers, some bunched roots such as carrots, beets, or radishes, and a bunch of fresh herbs. ​ During the bountiful fall months, fall share members enjoy a wide selection of roots, greens, and squash as well as the last of the summer tomatoes, fresh herbs, and our very special fresh ginger. We switch to every-other-week pickup for November and December when the crop selection includes lots of storage crops which can more easily be picked up less often.

What was once three businesses is now one: Green Things Farm Collective. Green Things Farm, the Land Loom, and Ann Arbor Seed Compa​ny came together in 2020 to expand production, share the management of running a diverse farm business, and develop a model of sustainable, cooperative, and responsible farming. Green Things Farm Collective and the community it serves stand to benefit greatly from the diverse farming experiences of its passionate farmers that came together to share in the joys and challenges of sustainable agriculture. 

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