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Mack Indoor Pool

Mack Indoor Pool is the City of Ann Arbor's only indoor public pool and offers a variety of programs and opportunities for every swimmer. Our six-lane, 25-yard main pool has an attached 30-by 42-foot children's tot pool. A ramp leading into the pool provides for easy accessibility. Our heated indoor pool allows you to swim, even if the weather is not “summer like." The Mack Pool 2024/2025 season will run from Sept. 23 to May 9.​

Please note, we do not allow outside swim instruction or coaching of any kind. ​

The City of Ann Arbor operates three outdoor pools, in addition to Mack Indoor Pool. Learn more about our other pools.

Program registration​ for winter classes/lessons is underway.

2024/2025 Season 

​Public Swim (including lap swimming)

​​​​​Monday-Friday, 7-8:15 a.m.               

  • (six lanes available for lap swim swimmers​​ must exit facility at 8:15 a.m.)

Monday-Friday, 12:30-4 p.m.             

  • (five lanes available)

Monday-Friday, 7:30-9 p.m.               

  • (two lanes available)

Saturday and Sunday, 2-6 p.m.         

  • (four lanes available)​​

Saturday, 6-7 p.m.                               

​Women's only swim​       



Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.                        

*public swim hours are subject to change

Adjusted Hours 

We will be closed April 20

New: Adult Only Beginner Swim Lessons

For adults looking to build comfort and basic skills in the water. Le​arn to float, swim front crawl and backstroke, tread water and more basic skills. Swim lessons are  60 minutes and the fee is $120, resident; $15​4, nonresident for 7 lessons. 

  • Session 3, Jan. 7-Feb. 25                     
    • Tuesday, 7:30-8:30 p.m.
  • Session 4, Jan. 11-Feb. 28                   
    • Friday, 7:30-8:30 p.m.
  • Session 5, March 4-April 15                
    • Tuesday, 7:30-8:30 p.m.
  • Session 6, March 7-April 18                
    • ​Friday, 7:30-8:30 p.m. 

New: Adult Only Intermediate Swim Lessons

For adults looking to build more skills in the water. Improve your front crawl, learn flip turns, diving and an introduction to other strokes and skills. Swim lessons are  60 minutes and the fee is $120, resident; $15​4, nonresident for 7 lessons. 

  • Session 2, Mar. 1-Apr. 13                     
    • Saturday, 3-4 p.m.

Masters Swim Team

Our master's program offers adult swimmers at all levels an opportunity to attend coached workouts, stroke feedback and help in preparing to compete, if that is your goal. We offer 10 practice​​ times throughout the week. 


The Ann Arbor Octopods Swim Team is for ages 5-17. There are four sessions throughout the year, with registration required for each session.  More details can be found below. 

Public Swimmi​​ng

We offer daily admission with no residency requirements. Adult: $6; youth (17 and under) and senior (55+): $5. Ages 3 and under, free with a paid adult swimmer. 

​Mack Pool Punch Ca​rd​

This card is good for daily admission for you and your family members. One punch per visit per person. Valid for all public swim and lap swim times. Punch passes are not valid for Master's Swim times. Passes are valid at Mack Pool and all outdoor pools during the summer months. These passes are good for one year from the date of purchase and are not eligible for refund.

10 punches: $40 resident/nonresident

25 punches: $100 resident/nonresident

50 punches: $187.50 resident/nonresident

100 punches: $350 resident/nonresident​

Ann Arbor Octopods 

An inclusive team for swimmers ages 5-17. Must be able to swim one length of the pool, front crawl. The Octopods Swim Team will participate in the Southern Michigan Swim League (SMSL) which offers competition in dual meets along with a championship meet for our fall and winter sessions. Swimmers must be able to swim one length of the pool front crawl to participate.

Days and times are listed below, and swimmers will have to commit to a fixed practice schedule. 

Spring Session Schedule - Mar. 24-May 2 (no swim meets)

Age Group

Practice Days and Times

10 and under group 1

Mondays and Wednesdays – 4-5 p.m.

10 and under group 2

Mondays and Wednesdays – 5-6 p.m.

10 and under group 3

Tuesdays and Thursdays  - 4-5 p.m.

10 and under group 4

Tuesd​ays and Thursdays – 5-6 p.m.

11 and up group

Mondays, Wednesdays 6–7:30 and Fridays – 5–7 pm​

​11 and up group

​Tuesdays and Thursdays – 6-7:30 p.m. and Fridays – 5–7 pm​


$112.50 resident; $145 nonresident per session. Sign up a sibling and get $15 off for the second, third and fourth swimmer in your household.

​Jan-March Meet Schedule

IM meet vs YMCA (Barracudas) @ HOME 3/06

Address: 715 Brooks St, Ann Arbor, MI 48103​


Championships will be March 15th(10&Unders) & March 16th(11&Ups) @ Milan


Parent/Guardian Expectations

As we kick off another exciting season, we're reaching out to all parents and guardians to join us in creating unforgettable home swim meets for our athletes. While volunteering isn't a requirement, your involvement plays a crucial role in the success of our events.

Why Volu​​​​nteer?

  • Be an active part of your child's swimming journey
  • Connect with other swim team families
  • Gain insights into the sport of swimming
  • Contribute directly to our team's success

How to Get Involved

  1. Stay Informed: We'll be sending regular emails about upcoming meets and volunteer opportunities.

  2. Update Your Info: Ensure your email address is correct in your Civicrec account to receive all communications.

  3. Choose Your Role: From timekeeping to marshalling, there's a spot for everyone!

Every Bit Helps

Whether you can commit to multiple events or just a few hours, your support makes a difference. Together, we can create an amazing season for our swimmers!


Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about volunteering. We're here to help you find the perfect way to contribute.

Let's make this season one to remember – join our volunteer team today!

Note: Remember to check your email regularly for updates on specific volunteer opportunities and swim meet information.​


Team Contact Information

Have questions or want to talk to a coach? Contact us at

Private Swim Less​ons

Individual swim instruction for swimmers ages 3 to adult, each private lesson is 30-minutes long and customized to meet the needs of the swimming participant. Please call the pool to find out dates and times available; space is very limited. Private lessons are for one participant only. Fee: Half hour $22 resident; $30 nonresident. Lessons will be available Oct 5 to Dec 15 and Jan 11 to April 27​. Registration begins Nov. 21, 2024 for the Jan-April sessions. 



Saturdays and Sundays
(all swimmers 3 and older)
Thursdays and Fridays
(shallow swimmers only 6 and under)
12-12:30 p.m. 5-5:30 p.m.
12:40-1:10 p.m. 5:40-6:10 p.m.
1:20-1:50 p.m. 6:20-6:50 p.m.
2-2:30 p.m. 7-7:30 p.m.
2:40-3:10 p.m.  
3:20-3:50 p.m.  
4-4:30 p.m.  
4:40-5:10 p.m.  
5:20-5:50 p.m.  


Group Swim Instruction

NEW: Aqua Infants Experience
These drop-in classes will offer an opportunity for your 6-18 month old swimmer to sing, swim and socialize. Each week, the instructor will lead the group in songs, games and activities that will help your little swimmer get comfortable in the water and learn a few skills. We will be offering 30 minute class every Sunday, Jan 11 – Feb 26, and Mar 1 – April 16​, 9-9:30 a.m. Fees: $7.25 per drop-in class.

Traditional group lessons​

Group lessons are offered for children ages 12 months and up. Class size is limited. Ability requirements must be honored unless prior instructor approval is granted. Swim lessons are 30 minutes and the fee is $60, resident; $77, nonresident.  

Sessions 6-10: Jan. 11-Feb. 26 (Registration begins Nov. 21, 2024)

Sessions 11-15: March 1-April 16​ (Registration begins Jan. 21, 2025)

Level Descriptions


This program helps toddlers ages 1​ to 3 years old and their parent or adult to become comfortable in the water and to learn skills needed for continued comfort and enjoyment in the water.


​A class for 3 and 4 your old swimmers who are just starting off. Swimmers will be in the water with only the instructor and will work on getting comfortable in the pool and some important basic skills.


This class will work on building the basic skills in the water. Your 5 and 6 year old beginner swimmers will work towards more independe​nce in the water. They will be challenged to float and move through the water on their own. ​


Fundamental aquatic skills for those who can fully submerge head, float independently, blow bubbles and feel comfortable in the water.


Beginning stroke development for those who can push off the side, flutter kick on back/front with arm actions and float on their front and back comfortably.


Intermediate stroke development for those who can swim front and back crawl for 10 yards, demonstrate elementary backstroke and enter deep water comfortably.


Full stroke development for those who can swim front crawl for 15 yards with rotary breathing, swim backstroke for 15 yards and tread water for at least 30 seconds.

Saturday and Sunday  Sessions 1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 12 ​ ​ ​
Time Level ​  
9:30 - 10 a.m. Guppies Tiger Sharks Goldfish
10:10-10:40 a.m. Goldfish Dolphins Minnows
10:50-11:20 a.m. Minnows Dolphins Goldfish
 11:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Goldfish Mako Sharks Minnows
12:30-1 p.m. Goldfish Dolphins Minnows
1:20-1:50 p.m. Minnows Mako Sharks Goldfish
2-2:30 p.m. Minnows Hammerhead Sharks Goldfish


Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday  Sessions 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15 






5 - 5:30 pm



5:40 - 6:10 pm



6:20 - 6:50 pm



7 - 7:30 pm








5 - 5:30 pm



5:40 - 6:10 pm



6:20 - 6:50 pm



7 - 7:30 pm








5 - 5:30 pm



5:40 - 6:10 pm



6:20 - 6:50 pm



7 - 7:30 pm




Lifeguard Certification

The Ann Arbor Parks and Recreation Ameri​can Red Cross Lifeguard Certification program is open to ages 15 years old and up. Participants gain valuable experience to prepare them to be lifeguards when they turn 16. Fifteen-year-olds who complete this course will be eligible for the city's Lifeguard in Training Volunteer Program and receive the following American Red Cross certifications: Lifeguarding, First Aid, CPR and AED. Each class meeting will include classroom and pool time. This course is a hybrid course, requiring participants to complete at least five hours of independent work prior to the start of the course. Registration for this course will close seven days prior to the course start date. Register by calling 734.794.6237 or go to Mack Indoor Pool (715 Brooks St., inside Ann Arbor Open School). Fee: $200.

Participants who successfully complete the course, apply, are hired, and begin work at any of the 4 City of Ann Arbor public pools, will receive a full refund for the course.


Session 1, April 25-27

Friday, 5-7 p.m. | Saturdays,  noon-5 p.m. | Sundays, noon-5 p.m.

 *No refunds will be issued for failure to pass a certification or re-certification course.



Lifeguard Recertification

The Ann Arbor Parks and Recreation American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification program is open to ages 15 years old and up. Participants gain valuable experience to prepare them to be lifeguards. Fifteen year olds who complete this course will be eligible for a lifeguard job with the City of Ann Arbor and receive the following American Red Cross certifications: Lifeguarding, First Aid, CPR and AED. Each class meeting will include classroom and pool time. This course is a hybrid course, requiring participants to complete at least 7 hours of independent work prior to the start of the course. ​Registration will close seven days prior to the course start date. Register by calling 734.794.6237 or go to Mack Indoor Pool (715 Brooks St., inside Ann Arbor Open School). Fee: $100.

Participants who successfully complete the course, apply, are hir​ed, and begin work at any of the 4 City of Ann Arbor public pools, will receive a full refund for the course.


Session 1, April 25-27

Friday, 5-7 p.m. | Saturdays,  noon-5 p.m. | Sundays, noon-5 p.m.

​​*No refunds will be issued for failure to pass a certification or re-certification course. 




City of Ann ​Arbor Public Pool Rules​​​

  • ​​All swimmers must take a shower before entering the pool.​
  • Everyone must wear a clean bathing suit with liner to enter the water.
  • No running or horseplay.
  • All children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by someone age 16 or older.​
  • All children under the age of 12 must pass a deep end test in order to swim in the deep end.
  • Inflatables are not allowed in the pool (balls are permitted). All flotation devices must be U.S. Coast Guard approved.
  • Diving is permitted only in the deep end of the pool. No flips, spin jumps, or back dives are allowed.
  • No smoking.
  • Snorkels, masks, fins, kickboards, and pull buoys are for lap swimming only.
  • The City of Ann Arbor is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • The wading pool is for children ages 7 and under accompanied by a parent or guardian. Parents and/or guardians must actively supervise their children.
  • No glass containers are permitted within the pool area.
  • The consumption of alcohol prior to or while visiting the pool is prohibited.
  • Persons with infections, a communicable disease, or open skin irritations are not allowed in the pool.
  • No spitting or otherwise polluting the pool.
  • No pets are allowed on the pool deck.
  • No animals are allowed in the pool.
  • ​All food waste must be disposed of in garbage cans.
  • We do not allow outside swim instruction or coaching of any kind. ​

Lap swimming expectations:

  1. Please circle swim in all lap lanes. Even if you are the only swimmer in a lane we ask that you circle swim so that swimmers feel welcome to share any lane.
  2. For swimmer safety, please share a lane with swimmers that appear to match your swim speed even if there is a lane with fewer swimmers.
  3. For swimmers safety, please take care when passing swimmers in your lane. Awareness and care of those you are sharing a lane with can make your swimming experience safe and enjoyable.
  4. Please feel free to kindly and civilly resolve any challenges you have with other swimmers. If for some reason you are unable to resolve challenges with another swimmer in a mindful way, please let staff know so that we can help resolve the issue.​

1519 Fuller Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105

Gayle Hurn,
Recreation Supervisor​


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