Malletts Creek Nature Area is a three-acre undeveloped natural area off of Huron Parkway just north of Washtenaw Avenue. View the Ann Arbor Parks & Nature Areas Map for location context.
Malletts Creek Nature Area is one of a number of city park properties with no trails or amenities. These natural areas represent a unique recreation and conservation feature of the city’s park system. In these relatively few spaces across the city, off-trail exploration is encouraged– a rare opportunity to meander through a wild space in our urban context. Visitors are also invited to reflect on the conservation value and biodiversity of these spaces, where the Parks & Recreation’s Natural Area Preservation staff and volunteers work to steward, restore and inventory the natural communities throughout the city’s parks.
This nature area is a great location to watch birds. The namesake of this park, Mallets Creek, flows through the park and is a major tributary to the Huron River. Many plants and animals call this sub-watershed home. As an urban stream, the Mallets Creek faces many challenges, but has seen much positive attention in recent years. The creek is very close to Huron Parkway, not hard to view.