Adult Hockey 2022 - 2023
Adult B, C, & D Hockey Leagues
Play is governed by USA Hockey/MAHA regulations. Games are played at Veterans Memorial Park Ice Arena. No body checking is allowed. Call 734.794.6235 or email John McGovern to for more information. Every player must register with USA HOCKEY insurance.
Draft Recreational Hockey
This is recreational hockey for adult players who have not played in organized leagues and for players 18 or older, male or female. Trades will be made through the season to keep teams fair. No checking is allowed with emphasis on fun. Fee per player is $225. Goalies are free. Jersey's are $25. Every player must register with USA HOCKEY insurance. Each season is 15 games, playing Tuesday evenings, Thursday evenings, and Saturday afternoons/evenings.
Fall Season: Sept 15 - Nov 6
Winter Season: Nov 7 - Jan 18
Fall Season: Sept 15 - Nov 6
Winter Season: Nov 7 - Jan 18
2150 Jackson Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Cameron Schmitt,
Recreation Supervisor
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