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All facility types defined by the State of Michigan Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act are permitted in the City of Ann Arbor.  

Permitted facil​​ity types:

  • Retailer
  • Medical Marijuana Provisioning Center
  • Microbusiness 
  • Grower
  • Processor 
  • Consumption Facility
  • Safety Compliance Facility
  • Secure Transport
All marijuana facilities are limited to certain zoning districts and some are also subject to spacing and/or co-locating limitations.  

General Steps to Open a Marijuana Facility in Ann Arbor:

  1. ​Obtain Special Exception Use approval for the site from the City Planning Commission (if not required, start with step 2). 
  2. ​Obtain a Zoning Compliance Permit.
  3. Appl​y to the Building Department​ for a Building Permit and follow that process for any alterations and/or a change in occupancy. Where there is no change in occupancy or use of the space, a Re-Occupation Per​mit​  may be applicable. ​​  ​See the Re-Occupation Handout​ (PDF) for help determining your project's occupancy status.  Please contact the Building Department with any questions.
  4. Submit a C​ity of Ann Arbor Marijuana Facility Permit Application​  to the City Clerk. Attestation I will be signed after the application is reviewed by the Clerk. Submit the application and required attachments via mail, in-person, or online.  ​
  5. Provide the City Clerk's office with a copy of the approved State Marihuana Facility License. At this point the facility can legally open.
Building and Zoning Applications must be submitted online using the City's new online permitting system STREAM​ (​). 

To Apply:

  1. ​​​Go to STREAM​ (​)
  2.  Select the Apply box
  3. Choose the appropriate permit application
  4. Complete the application and provide payment ​

Important Information for Opening a Marijuana Facility in Ann Arbor 

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