Our city is a collection of neighborhoods, each one having unique characteristics. Neighborhood groups and registered associations are an important part of the planning process in Ann Arbor. Currently, there are over 100 registered residential or commercial associations in the city.
Registered groups are notified about proposed developments in their area and invited to meetings regarding these proposals. They are invited to participate in other city-wide processes such as zoning code amendments. Recommendations and comments made by registered associations are taken into consideration by City Planning Commission in its deliberations. See the Public Involvement page for more information.
To register a neighborhood or commercial association, complete the registration form in the link below and submit it to Planning Services via email (planning@a2gov.org), mail (301 E. Huron, Ann Arbor, MI 48107), or in person (1st floor, Larcom City Hall).
The links below provide maps indicating the location and boundaries of the registered residential neighborhoods and commercial associations and contact information:
Approved by Council: February 6, 1989
Whereas, It is the City of Ann Arbor's established policy as stated in its General Development Plan policy that the "Neighborhood Unit" lies at the heart of urban living;
Whereas, It is the City of Ann Arbor's established policy as stated in its Master Plan to protect older and/or established neighborhoods;
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor recognizes that it is appropriate and advantageous to involve its citizens and neighborhood units at the earliest stages of the planning process; and
Whereas, Neighborhood associations and organizations formed by its citizens play an important (vital) role in representing the views of residents;
BE IT RESOLVED, That the City of Ann Arbor Planning Department notify in writing neighborhood associations and/or organizations whose members live within 300 feet of any proposed annexation, zoning, area plan, site plan, land division, or preliminary plat at the beginning of the City departments' review schedule per Chapter 57, Section 5:129 and the Review Cycle Calendar prepared periodically by the Planning Department;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the recommendation and comments on proposed development or zoning changes submitted in writing by neighborhood associations or organizations shall be considered by the Planning Department and given to the Planning Commission or Advisory Development Committee if received prior to completion of the staff review. (In cases where the Planning Department takes exception to recommendations and/or comments, an explanation for the exception shall be included in the staff report.) This process does not preclude groups and individuals from presenting information and comments to the Planning Commission or ADC at the public hearing; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That neighborhood associations or organizations who desire preliminary information concerning development or zoning of property in or near their neighborhoods must register with the Planning Department and include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of current officers, and director of the organization, a specific contact person, and the area that the organization represents.