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Rezoning State/Eisenhower Area to TC1 district

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Questions or Comments? – Contact Alexis DiLeo, City Planner, by email, or call 734.794.6000 x42610.​


​TC1 Webinar Related Documents and Tools
11/9/21 ​​Webinar Recording 
​Watch the recording of the entire Nov. 9, 2021 Zoom webinar (via YouTube)​

​11/9/21 Webinar Q&A Transcript​ (PDF) ​Transcript of Nov. 9, 2021 Zoom Webinar Q&A chat 
11/9/21 ​Presentation​ (PDF) ​Slides presented by city staff at Nov. 9, 2021 Zoom webinar
​​TC1 Postcard​ (PDF) ​Postcard sent to all owners, residents, and tenants of the parcels inside and extending 1,000 feet from the area evaluate​​d for rezoning to TC1 (Transit Corridor) district in the area of State & Eisenhower
TC1 Property Owner Letter​ (PDF) ​ ​Introductory letter to property owners of parcels proposed to be rezoned​
State & Eisenhower Zoning Map (PDF)​ Map of Existing State and Eisenhower Zoning
Proposed T​​C1 Rezoning Area (PDF) ​​Proposed State and Eisenhower Rezoning Area 

​​Interactive Map​ping Tool 

​Find the interactive mapping tool on the Current Planning Initiatives page for City-Initiated Rezoning in the Plymouth Road Area and the Washtenaw Ave Area​


​​​City-Initiated TC1 Re​zoning​

City Council, along with directing the Planning Commission to create a new zoning district for transit corridors, asked the Planning Commission to recommend and then initiate rezoning of parcels appropriate for the new district in Resolution R-20-439(approved Nov.16, 2020).  The new district, TC1 (Transit Corridor), was adopted by  Ordinance no. ORD-21-19 (approved 7/6/21, effective 7/25/21). 

The TC1 (Transit Corridor) district ​​​​​​​is intended along existing transit corridors with regular fixed service provided by AAATA primarily on established commercial and office sites. It was created to facilitate, encourage, and support redevelopment and infill development to realize mixe​d use projects and achieve affordable housing, enable more housing choices, more sustainable forms of development, with reduced resource and energy needs. 

Together, staff and the Planning Commission's Ordinance Revisions Committee have identified 69 parcels that meet the intent and criteria for the TC1 district in the State & Eisenhower area. These 69 parcels will be evaluated in a city-initiated rezoning petition. 

Map of Proposed Parcels for Rezoning ​to TC1 (Below)

Table of Parcels Proposed for Rezoning (PDF)​

Background Documents and Materials

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