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TC1 District Amendments

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Proposed Amendments to the TC1 (Transit Corridor) District Permitted Uses and Development Standards


City Council has asked (see Resolution R-22-390, passed December 5, 2022) ​the Planning Commission to evaluate and recommend some specific amendments to the TC1 (Transit Corridor) district permitted uses and development standards.  To date, the Planning Commission has discussed the request and reviewed planning staff's initial research and analysis on approaching this task, which included preliminary work on incorporating additional uses as well as additional amendments for clarification, at a working session on December 13, 2022. The Planning Commission concluded that a significant amount of time and effort was necessary to effectively achieve the City Council's desired outcomes for the TC1 district. 


The Planning Commission held a public hearing on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 and recommende​d an amended version of the draft ordinance be approved by City Council.  More specifically,  Planning Commission recommends City Council approve:   

  • Allow automobile, motorcycle, recreation vehicle, equipment sales and rental as a special exception use in the TC1 district,
  • Allow automobile, truck, and construction equipment repair as a special exception use in the TC1 district, 
  • Redesign Table 5.16-2 in Section 5.16.3.P to clarify the building typologies and application of the use specific standards in the TC1 district. 
Links to the original draft ordinance to amend these sections of Chapter 55 and the planning staff report is below in the background materials section. 
Staff are working to prepare an amended draft ordinance and schedule a first reading by City Council at an upcoming meeting. 

Background Materials in Chronological Order

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