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Presentations, Tours, Ride-alongs & Community Meetings

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Station To​​​urs

The AAPD is honored to allow our citizens see, first hand, how we serve the c​ommunity from the inside out. Station tours expose citizens to our patrol division and our detective division to see the behind the scenes work that goes on within the AAPD. To schedule a station tour, please contact Police Service Specialist ​Susan Casey, ​734.794.6900, ext. 49526, or​


The AAPD is excited to share with you in detail how we serve the Ann Arbor community.  Topics of conversations can range from​ our philosophy of service to our hiring/training practices. To schedule a presentation, please contact Police Service Specialist ​Susan Casey, ​734.794.6900, ext. 49526 or​.​ 

Ride-along Program

The AAPD encourages our citizens to ride a long with officers during the performance of their daily duties. The has been one of the more popular service​s and outreach activities we provide. Ride alongs allow you to “partner" with a police officer and learn how we respond to calls. This experience will allow you to really understand just how unique police service is in the city of Ann Arbor. People interested must go through a basic background check and must be at least 16 years of age. To schedule a ride-along, call the AAPD command desk at 734.794.6921. ​​Please print an​d complete the ride-along waiver​ (PDF) and bring it with you to your scheduled appointment.​

​​​Scho​ol Conversations and Engagement

The AAPD is committed to engaging with the youth of our city. We believe youth are the voice of the future. The AAPD provides a wide array of presentations for youth of all ages and grade levels K-12.  (use Elementary info currently on website) Our commitment to community policing, communication, transparency, and citizen input involves our youth as well as adult citizens.  We encourage youth input in how we provide our services. There is no better way to engage than having conversations from the youth perspective.  To schedule a with the AAPD​​, please contact Police Service Specialist ​Susan Casey, ​734.794.6900, ext. 49526 or​.​

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