If you are a city of Ann Arbor resident and are the owner of an alarm system, Chapter 93, Section 7:403 of the Ann Arbor Code of Ordinances requires you to register your alarm and obtain a permit annually. The alarm registration process requires you to provide the police department alarm staff with three names, addresses and telephone numbers for individuals who can be contacted day or night and have the ability to turn off your business or home security system in your absence.
The annual permit cost is $37 and is collected as part of the online registration process. The Ann Arbor City Code also requires the alarm connection permit holder to pay all false alarm fees charged pursuant to Chapter 93.
You are only required to register your alarm system with the City of Ann Arbor if you are a resident of the city (i.e., you pay property taxes to the City of Ann Arbor). If you have an Ann Arbor address, but pay your property taxes to another governmental entity you are not required to register your alarm with the city of Ann Arbor and should contact your local police agency for information on alarm registration in the area that you reside.
MONITORED FIRE ALARMS: The City ordinance has been updated and you are no longer required to register a monitored fire alarm system. Only monitored systems that would prompt a police response to an alarm are required to be registered (i.e. burglar and panic alarms). If your alarm system is monitored for fires only, please let us know so that we can remove your address from our database and you will not be required to pay the $37 registration fee.
Registering Your Alarm Online
Register your alarm and ensure that your contact information is up to date. All registration information is stored on a secure city server, and information is not used for other purposes.
Registering Your Alarm by Mail
If you can't register online, alarm registration applications and permit checks are accepted via mail. To register your alarm by mail, download and complete the 2024 Alarm Registration Form.pdf and send the completed form and a $37 check made payable to the City of Ann Arbor to: Ann Arbor Police/Alarms Processing, P.O. Box 8647, Ann Arbor, MI 48107.
Failure to Register Your Alarm
Any alarm system response that does not have a valid permit will be automatically assessed a $37 alarm registration fee in addition to the false police alarm penalty of $82. The alarm registration fee is automatically added to the first false alarm in a calendar year, which will create a total charge of $119 for a police false alarm. The applicable fees will be invoiced as they occur. Invoices may be paid online via the city's customer service center.
Updating Your Contact Information
If contact information provided on your alarm connection permit application changes, information can be updated online. If you have any questions, please call 734.794.6910 x49104.
Alarm Fees
Per Resolution R-275-7-03 (July 7, 2003), the following fees are in effect regarding alarms and connections:
Alarm permit fee (annual): $37
Police false alarm fee: $82
Alarm Ordinance
Copies of the city ordinances concerning alarm enforcement can be obtained by contacting the city clerk's office at 734.794.6140 or downloading the Ann Arbor Code of Ordinances. City Code pertaining to alarm systems and connection permits may be found in Chapter 77 and Chapter 93.
Chapter | Ordinance No. | Ordinance |
77 | 7:31 | Schedule Established |
77 | 7:32 | Fees for Licenses or Permits |
77 | 7:33 | Licenses A-D |
93 | 7:00 | Alarm System License |
93 | 7:401 | Issuance of License |
93 | 7:402 | Prohibited Activities |
93 | 4:403 | Alarm Connection Permit |
93 | 4:404 | False Alarms |
93 | 4:405 | Penalty |
Contact Information
Invoice questions: alarmhelp@a2gov.org
Online registration assistance: 734.619.0550 or email support@a2alarms.com.
Second floor, 301 E. Huron Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
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